I'm sleepy. Help me be awake.

Author Topic: I'm sleepy. Help me be awake.  (Read 1792 times)

Its 4:57 AM here and i REALLY dont feel like going to bed but im tired, Suggest me things to do and ways to stay up.

why do you want to be awake so bad

why do you want to be awake so bad
Sleep is for the weak and dead.

You're going to fall asleep eventually, it's unavoidable.

Welcome to Blogland forums, we give great advice on ways how to avoid those shootings you heard outside of your house and your loving 15 minute threads@#@e2234!las@d@£$#aksld I wish i could beat the stuff out of you for making this stuff topic

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« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 08:39:39 AM by Badspot »

I'm pretty sure being tired is the feeling of going to bed.
Go to bed.

Welcome to Blogland forums, we give great advice on ways how to avoid those shootings you heard outside of your house and your loving 15 minute threads@#@e2234!las@d@£$#aksld I wish i could beat the stuff out of you for making this stuff topic
Did someone trip you at school or..?

Welcome to Blogland forums, we give great advice on ways how to avoid those shootings you heard outside of your house and your loving 15 minute threads@#@e2234!las@d@£$#aksld I wish i could beat the stuff out of you for making this stuff topic

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Badspot's early morning ban

Unless you have fatal familliar insomnia, You will eventually go into microsleep and then fall asleep.

[i mg]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1619h8bnN1r18so1.jpg[/img]
Thanks, now that I saw that I can finally rest safely.

Welcome to Blogland forums, we give great advice on ways how to avoid those shootings you heard outside of your house and your loving 15 minute threads@#@e2234!las@d@£$#aksld I wish i could beat the stuff out of you for making this stuff topic

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How is that bannable?

How is that bannable?
He basically flamed the original poster for making the thread.

Welcome to Blogland forums, we give great advice on ways how to avoid those shootings you heard outside of your house and your loving 15 minute threads@#@e2234!las@d@£$#aksld I wish i could beat the stuff out of you for making this stuff topic

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Oh u