Author Topic: Famous Blocklanders  (Read 5288 times)

im sorry im still not remembering this ephilatious guy

Facechild, entrepreneur in, Diggy, Ministry, Wedge, Spation, Ladios, Djy1991, and Randy were huge members in the community way back in the day.

Most of these members were in USSR and MotE which is why they were famous.
Ok, see, the thing is that I can't find any information on most of them. I need singular accomplishments or closely related accomplishments, specific enough for me to make something based off of.
Xang - Really good DM'er
Rykuta - Not sure
Choneis - Amazing builder
Jirue - Not sure
Sumz - Amazing builder
Phydeoux - Windows and other stuff
Predator - Not sure
I don't know/remember how, but I have Nitramtj's full trust on Blockland.
Sumz is in, don't have room for Phydeoux but he'll get a mention somewhere.

nitramtj is actually working on an astounding space station mod. if you were to go to high, you can die of suffocation, and if you came down to hard, you'd explode, the only way to survive in space was to plant an air block. it's pretty awesome.
All right, so a mini space station thing for nitramtj?
Astro was mostly involved in RtB 1.45/Blockland Beta/Alpha stages, making maps and doing testing.

Kniaz should be famous, because I have the best ass around.
All right, is there any singular specific accomplishment that stands out?

The list is limited to 22 and is as follows:
01 - Badspot - Giant D-wand - Done
02 - Kompressor - Either a deadend teledoor (representing the Lord of Shadows), or a tree (Kompressor is in the credits for the OctTree Debug system)
03 - Mocheeze - A ghost in a hot air balloon
04 - Ephialtes - The RTB "Three Brick" Logo - May need some sprucing up; it's kinda small compared to the others (which are either 8x8 horizontally or at least really tall)
05 - Rotondo - I'm thinking either something Sports related or something Halloween related... Maybe a Basketball Hoop with skulls on it?
06 - Facechild - ?
07 - Nitramtj - Mini space station?
08 - Bones4 - A miniature Titanic with a cross on it - Done
09 - Kaje - A miniature Kaje-mech - Done
10 - entrepreneur in - ?
11 - Moose - ?
12 - Space Guy - Giant wrench, because Space Guy made the first events.
13 - Astro - ?
14 - Wedge - ?
15 - Trader - A door with a fancy frame
And then the non-beta-testers:
16 - Kalphiter - Possibly a tower server; Kalph, do you have a picture of the servers you use?
17 - Lub - ? (And we don't need more comments like "not yet")
18 - Sumz - ?
19 - Barnabas (undecided) - A miniature car?
20 - GSF_Ghost - A miniature map of some sort
21 - Bushido - Some sort of gun?
22 - Icygamma (undecided) - A video camera?

Then the less specific monuments:
The every blocklander - Dedicated to the rest of us, the average everyday players who make this game great.
The Golden Shield Award for Best Administration - goes to Kniaz, Audax, and Ipquarx
The Miniature Mansion - Dedicated to those great clans and great building clans like USSR, MotE, and AoB (which is newer but still worth mentioning)

Still got more room for "less specific monuments", so if you have suggestions, go ahead.

lol icygamma on there instead of someone who actually contributed something

Moose was active back in the old BL. He was in BLBC along with Ephi, Mocheeze, Facechild, Wedge, and many other people. BLBC was a club dedicated to the best builders of the day. I don't know where he ventured off to now...

Astro was a developer for the old RTB. He was in his thirties, and he was from the former East Germany. He also built nice stuff, whether it was small-scale or something bigger. He quit in an ugly way, so I heard...

When I first saw Sumz, he was always hanging out with Wizzard, who was hosting for the USSR clan. But Sumz wouldn't be in the list if that was his only achievement. He has always been a great builder, one of his most stellar work was Sumz City which should be somewhere in the gallery. He has a very nice style.

I'd nominate ACM (formerly known as A-Master) to be on the list. He made ACM City, the Blupo set and many other buildings. His style surely defined what's Blocko in terms of building.

Good ol' entrepreneur in was a beta-tester and a member of USSR. He was also a great builder, though he doesn't seem to hang around a lot here these days.

Facechild contributed many default builds and he created USSR, a clan that is still a benchmark of clans. If you were to pick a mini-statue, you should probably build a miniature hammer and a sickle.

Wedge is like an all-around good guy. He was not only a beta tester and a member of USSR, but also the most accurate person on the forums. His posts were always well-thought out and they were always insightful. He also won a Blockland ytmnd contest, where he used the USSR canyon build.

Mocheeze helped develop RTB and BAC developed a mod called BACs Pack

Facechild tested and worships Satan.

When I first saw Sumz, he was always hanging out with Wizzard, who was hosting for the USSR clan. But Sumz wouldn't be in the list if that was his only achievement. He has always been a great builder, one of his most stellar work was Sumz City which should be somewhere in the gallery. He has a very nice style.
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Jookia. Kick-started City RPGs

I need to know more about the following Blocklanders:
astro (from the Beta Tester list)
Moose (from the Beta Tester list)
entrepreneur in
Space Guy
Wedge is famous for making Zack0Wack0's Server Status.
Space Guy is famous for his add-ons.
Trader is famous for making JVS Content.
Barnabas is famous for his server.

I recommend that you add Phydeoux, who's famous for making lego-related brick add-ons.

Jookia. Kick-started City RPGs

this is not worth recognizing really

we haven't really gained anything from cityRPGs

i mean they've mostly stagnated and they haven't evolved in concept or practice really since they were first introduced and we've never really learned anything useful from it in the first place

but we still use them, and they're popular for whatever reason, instead of hosting neat things with new ideas

like it's more a source of conflict then anything but the conflict hasn't pushed us in any useful direction

Corrected list:
-Magick Mage
-Lub (maybe)
-Space Guy

These people are all notable for contributions to the game. The list could be 3 times its size if you counted forum members, but I'm not going to try and make that list.

Here's some more ACM greatness.
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Thanks for the link, I was sort of too lazy to look it up.