
Do yout think Blockland is a copy of Minecraft and Roblox?

Just Minecraft
Just Roblox

Author Topic: Blockland - A Copy of Minecraft and Roblox? If you think so...YOU'RE STUPID!  (Read 13762 times)

I see no point of this topic. Roblox and Minecraft users don't even look at the blockland forums, how is this benefiting in actually proving this point to any of them? The only people that are reading this are dedicated blockland users who actually play the game. There is no point for this topic.
I've actually seen some Blockland users that say that Blockland is an EXACT copy of Roblox.

I'm a huge Minecrafter.  I might also create a topic there similar to this one, except it will be called Blockland - A Copy of Minecraft?  I Say No!
There's probably also going to be an entry that describes Blockland, along with a few pictures.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 07:25:34 AM by Clone2 »

Does Roblox ever have updates, do they just simply add stuff or is it pretty much the same way it always has been since 2005?

Minecraft copied my shirt (a creeper shirt), but the shirt is Minecraft related, therefore Minecraft copied itself, therefore we enter a time paradox and the world explodes.

If I had a shotgun and a shovel for every handicap who said Blockland is a copy of minecraft/roblox, I would be in jail for life.

You don't have to pay to have a minecraft server up.

Hosting a server is simple. It just depends on the fact that you have a computer connected to the internet which can act as the host, and the software for hosting the server.

When hosting servers however, if you want it to be a dedicated server (like we have the ability to do in Blockland), you need to keep your server up all the time. Which means having your computer on all the time. Which will cost money as you use electricity.
Most people also can't keep servers up all the time due to them being family-owned and an entire family wanting to use it.

When people pay for a Minecraft server that is them giving money to someone else who owns a server-computer to host your server for them.
It's the exact same way as how you can pay to host a server on Blockland, if you pay server-hosters, like Kalphiter's server hosting or the one RTB is launching.

You could easily host Minecraft servers without paying anyone, but the chances are your server will likely have to shut down multipe times for whatever reasons, in the same way that most people don't keep Blockland servers up all the time.
Plus, server-hosting companies usually have computers specifically designed for hosting servers. They're not using their home laptop.

Clone2 is pretty much hating on minecraft and roblox simply cause its different from blockland.

Clone2 is pretty much hating on minecraft and roblox simply cause its different from blockland.

Maybe. The title is a bit harsh and suggests that.

I played Roblox before I played Blockland. Yes, Roblox has updates, and yes you can make your game/server/whatever. But when I tried to do that, it requires scripting to do basic stuff; it was too complicated for the average player.

Of course, my knowledge is limited, seeing as I quit Roblox around 2005.

Maybe. The title is a bit harsh and suggests that.

I played Roblox before I played Blockland. Yes, Roblox has updates, and yes you can make your game/server/whatever. But when I tried to do that, it requires scripting to do basic stuff; it was too complicated for the average player.

Of course, my knowledge is limited, seeing as I quit Roblox around 2005.
I quit it in 2010, I loved 2009 though.

I quit it in 2010, I loved 2009 though.

That reminds me. I must have a stuffload of Tickets on my old account. xD

Does Roblox ever have updates, do they just simply add stuff or is it pretty much the same way it always has been since 2005?

They do have updates but they work as if they just added something new into the game, their launcher/updater just downloads the update. I don't like how Rolox updates their game though, they don't keep a log list of the things they fixed or features they added like BL and MC, or at least they don't release it to the public. A while ago Rolox released new fog features, terrain, and they changed some of the physics, but they still haven't changed their handicapped 59FPS cap since 2010 or even earlier. I don't see how they want to have terrain, physics, exploding/moving bricks, AND THEN Dynamic Lighting with only 59FPS. I am guessing any higher will break their stuff Pier 1 Servers.

I play all 3 and I'm still not this stupid.
Blockland - 2003
Roblox - 2006
Minecraft - 2009

uh it doesnt cost money to host a Minecraft server?

uh it doesnt cost money to host a Minecraft server?

You don't have to pay to have a minecraft server up.

Hosting a server is simple. It just depends on the fact that you have a computer connected to the internet which can act as the host, and the software for hosting the server.

When hosting servers however, if you want it to be a dedicated server (like we have the ability to do in Blockland), you need to keep your server up all the time. Which means having your computer on all the time. Which will cost money as you use electricity.
Most people also can't keep servers up all the time due to them being family-owned and an entire family wanting to use it.

When people pay for a Minecraft server that is them giving money to someone else who owns a server-computer to host your server for them.
It's the exact same way as how you can pay to host a server on Blockland, if you pay server-hosters, like Kalphiter's server hosting or the one RTB is launching.

You could easily host Minecraft servers without paying anyone, but the chances are your server will likely have to shut down multipe times for whatever reasons, in the same way that most people don't keep Blockland servers up all the time.
Plus, server-hosting companies usually have computers specifically designed for hosting servers. They're not using their home laptop.

I asked my friend in school if he knows Blockland and he said it's a copy of Minecraft. Kill me please

There's really not a whole lot to discuss about this. Anyone that thinks Blockland copied either Minecraft or Roblox is braindead and shouldn't be on the internet