Author Topic: RTB Dedicated Hosting Service - Service Closing  (Read 260268 times)

Here is a suggestion that would help out. You can buy multiple servers, which is great. But you should have a discount for the other servers you but. Like a 30% off for the second server, than 40% off the next, something like that. It would encourage the buyers to buy multiple servers if they want one, which I kind of want to do. That would be great. My dad also brought this up to me, having discounts for the more servers you but. Just and idea, but I think it would help.

Whilst it'd be a nice incentive, I'm not sure how realistic it would be due to the tiny margins we run at anyway.

And then there's the case where someone will just buy 5 servers at a discount, lend 4 of them to friends who pay them the discounted price.

Here is a suggestion that would help out. You can buy multiple servers, which is great. But you should have a discount for the other servers you but. Like a 30% off for the second server, than 40% off the next, something like that. It would encourage the buyers to buy multiple servers if they want one, which I kind of want to do. That would be great. My dad also brought this up to me, having discounts for the more servers you but. Just and idea, but I think it would help.
I'm pretty sure tht figures would go in the opposite direction.

30% for secondary, and then 20% for others, and so on.

And then there's the case where someone will just buy 5 servers at a discount, lend 4 of them to friends who pay them the discounted price.
It might actually make sense to let people do this as a sort of sale, like not year round, but maybe every once in a while. People who get a server this way and have a good experience might be inclined to purchase it again at the regular price. Would probably need to set it up differently, though. Perhaps giving a few referral discount codes to current owners to give to their friends.

I've begun trials of a new addition to our monitoring which will identify servers that may have locked up (by checking cpu use over a period of time) and shutting those servers down. If your server does get shut down in this way, you'll get a warning in your activity stream to let you know. This is just a trial so it's being run semi-manually so we can ensure it behaves correctly before switching it over to complete automation.

We're shortly going to be expanding the monitoring on nodes to identify and handle cases of potential abuse automatically, which includes shutting down servers trying to listen on ports not within their allocated port range. I won't be going into details until that's all in place though.

I've begun trials of a new addition to our monitoring which will identify servers that may have locked up (by checking cpu use over a period of time) and shutting those servers down. If your server does get shut down in this way, you'll get a warning in your activity stream to let you know. This is just a trial so it's being run semi-manually so we can ensure it behaves correctly before switching it over to complete automation.

We're shortly going to be expanding the monitoring on nodes to identify and handle cases of potential abuse automatically, which includes shutting down servers trying to listen on ports not within their allocated port range. I won't be going into details until that's all in place though.

Cool.  Does that mean that the inactivity all over the bottom of the list will be removed?
I might be thinking of something else though.

Why would this cause the activity stream to be purged?

« Last Edit: December 07, 2013, 04:25:54 PM by Johnny Blockhead »

Please use the ticket system, we won't be providing support for anything posted in the thread.

Sometimes we leave tickets without a reply if we think the issue may resolve itself or it's user error. If you're still having problems with a ticket you opened just reply and let us know it's still going on and we'll take a look.

The benefit of posting in the thread though is that you can get input from other users. It actually can put less work on you.

No, most of the time other people don't know what they're talking about and give conflicting information that confuses users. We're the most qualified people to be answering questions and we're very happy to do so.

All the RTB servers have higher ping than usual for me, for some reason.

Anyone got any information about that?

Sometimes we leave tickets without a reply if we think the issue may resolve itself or it's user error.
this isn't helpful
like you're doing a great job everywhere else but don't do this: no one knows what's going on. just send that in a response: "we're pretty sure this will clear up after a while, submit another ticket if the problem persists after X days"

if you just don't respond, the person thinks you're ignoring them which is both confusing and not helping you guys with regards to customer satisfaction

but you all know this already because you're pros or some stuff

I know there were some people complaining about the bad avatar previews shown in the interface so I did a bit of work to make antialiasing work better and it seems to have done okay:

I'm not sure I want to spend much more time on that - I'm pretty happy with how they look now. I'll have to re-process the old avatars before they all look as smooth as the one above.