
Which of these servers should be inducted?

Pecon7's Boss Battles
40 (15.1%)
Wink's City RPG
2 (0.8%)
Cysero's Midieval RPG
4 (1.5%)
Cat123's Grapple Knife TDM
7 (2.6%)
Wizzard's Dogfight TDM
21 (7.9%)
Diggy's Metropolis
12 (4.5%)
Heedicalking's TDM
16 (6%)
Kalphiter's New Years Party
41 (15.5%)
Jorgur's Dogfight TDM
22 (8.3%)
Pload's Jail Escape
15 (5.7%)
Crown's Jail Escape
2 (0.8%)
Custard's City RPG
0 (0%)
Surburb's City RP
2 (0.8%)
Kniaz's Bluezone
26 (9.8%)
[]----[]'s Mafia Madness
13 (4.9%)
Red Guy's Unlimited Mining
8 (3%)
Centhra's Dueling
8 (3%)
Wicked's City RPG
5 (1.9%)
Nobot's Deathrace
9 (3.4%)
Pablo's Lego Server
6 (2.3%)
Cucumberdude's Jail RP
6 (2.3%)

Total Members Voted: 160

Voting closed: December 31, 2012, 04:35:07 PM

Author Topic: Blockland Server Hall of Fame Qualifiers  (Read 4154 times)

Another "best server list" with no building servers.

I'm losing my hope for the community completely forgetting that this is a lego game.

Another "best server list" with no building servers.

I'm losing my hope for the community completely forgetting that this is a lego game.
Name one good building server.

Another "best server list" with no building servers.

I'm losing my hope for the community completely forgetting that this is a lego game.
Building isn't something you frequently visit a specific server for, and if there was, it's probably private and not really worth mentioning on a top 5 list. In fact, some of the things on people's top 5 lists are probably things that people have built.


Pecon7's Boss Battles: People built this.
Wink's City RPG: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Cysero's Midieval RPG: People built this.
Cat123's Grapple Knife TDM: People built this.
Wizzard's Dogfight TDM: People built this.
Diggy's Metropolis: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Heedicalking's TDM: People built this.
Kalphiter's New Years Party: People built in this.
Jorgur's Dogfight TDM: People built this.
Pload's Jail Escape: People built this.
Crown's Jail Escape: People built this.
Custard's City RPG: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Surburb's City RP: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Kniaz's Bluezone: People built this.
[]----[]'s Mafia Madness: People built this.
Red Guy's Unlimited Mining: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Centhra's Dueling: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Wicked's City RPG: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Nobot's Deathrace: People built this.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 02:24:24 PM by Chrono »

You didn't build that!
Never claimed to have built anything, however, I will now claim that I did build in Centhra's Dueling.

Add Pablo's lego server. That was fun

Kalphiter's new years and Wizzard's dogfight no doubt about it

Another "best server list" with no building servers.

I'm losing my hope for the community completely forgetting that this is a lego game.
Having no "Freebuild" or "Build Stuff" servers in the poll doesn't mean the community doesn't acknowledge building servers anymore. Every single server out there is a building server.

Also, I edited the poll, adding Pablo's

something of cucumberdude's, maybe?

something of cucumberdude's, maybe?
Didn't he host a big jail rp that got like 60 players? My memories of it are pretty vague though.

Didn't he host a big jail rp that got like 60 players? My memories of it are pretty vague though.
and a murder mystery
and TDMs
and nigerian escape


Pecon7's Boss Battles: People built this.
Wink's City RPG: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Cysero's Midieval RPG: People built this.
Cat123's Grapple Knife TDM: People built this.
Wizzard's Dogfight TDM: People built this.
Diggy's Metropolis: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Heedicalking's TDM: People built this.
Kalphiter's New Years Party: People built in this.
Jorgur's Dogfight TDM: People built this.
Pload's Jail Escape: People built this.
Crown's Jail Escape: People built this.
Custard's City RPG: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Surburb's City RP: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Kniaz's Bluezone: People built this.
[]----[]'s Mafia Madness: People built this.
Red Guy's Unlimited Mining: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Centhra's Dueling: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Wicked's City RPG: Contrary to what you said, this server involves building.
Nobot's Deathrace: People built this.
What i'm talking about is a server that focuses on building that the clients have a  part in, like community builds and such. It doesn't matter if the build was made by someone if people just shoot each other, collect money in their stuffty mod or stab each other in the face. That doesn't promote building.

Name one good building server.

Thats my point, nobody hosts them before because apparently making a freebuild server is the sign of a lazy host. To answer your question there is one godly creature who still hosts one of my favorite servers of all time: Badspot with his Blockparty.

Building isn't something you frequently visit a specific server for, and if there was, it's probably private and not really worth mentioning on a top 5 list. In fact, some of the things on people's top 5 lists are probably things that people have built.
Well i visit building servers all the time and contribute to them. maybe that is just what you do, but i like to experiment different styles while socializing with other people, which is why i hate building in single player.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 12:22:44 AM by Tonkka² »

I wont win but its still cool to be up there =)

Ok, I've lowered the requirement down to 20%. There will be changes to the percentage as we begin to see the balancing of votes, as I want to make sure at least a few servers make it in.