Author Topic: TF2 Trains v3 Epic model!  (Read 27242 times)

Trains that brutally murder people!

-Trains drive forwards automatically
-Anyone who hits one dies
-Train sounds
-Screen shakes when train drives by
-Epic model

Download, 274 kb
Place in Blockland/Add-ons

Example Save
Train.bls, 81 kb
Extract to Blockland/Saves

Change Log

V2 ---> V3
-Added epic model
-Bots now die from trains

V1 ---> V2
-Added train sounds
-Added screen shake effect
-Fixed a few glitches

Credits: Uxie for badass train model
« Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 10:00:56 PM by swollow »

Image is terrible.
its uxie's train, its just a reused model
new model
« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 07:51:55 PM by swollow »

no minigame check, abusive.

no minigame check, abusive.
oh ya, I'll fix that, updated
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 05:00:18 PM by swollow »

What's so TF2 about these?
there trains that kill you, they were created with the tf2 styled tdm's in mind, if you can think of a better name I'll rename it

I jumped in front of a train and died in real life. TF2 copied real life.

I jumped in front of a train and died in real life. TF2 copied real life.
well I couldn't call it "Trains" because its not actually a train vehicle you can drive, if you can think of a better name for it do so

Didn't Bushi have a similar event that was private?

Didn't Bushi have a similar event that was private?
Bushido gave me a copy, hell if I find it.

Can you pls use the model from drendrans server
Cause it's awesome

I needed this.

thank you.