
Does you think about blockland webcam and mic?

Yes, great idea!
Nah, Bad idea!

Author Topic: Should I set up for blockland chat with video webcam and mic?  (Read 1298 times)

Read the title. I want to be host for webcam and mic for everyone for only blockland people. I want make sure I can set it up. If blockland commumity agree or not. I need to know what thier feedback. discuss.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 06:21:42 PM by Cubelands »

I can type to you or others.

but what if we say stuff behind your back

Don't we have the tinychat room?

but what if we say stuff behind your back
I can kick them out aslo I can banned them out of the room.

I can kick them out aslo I can banned them out of the room.

but how would you know ._.

way to troll the deaf, guys.
you're all starfishs.