Mi sanic hejehog iz awsom! - Now a thread for making more loving FCs, I guess

Author Topic: Mi sanic hejehog iz awsom! - Now a thread for making more loving FCs, I guess  (Read 4983 times)

page is now faty.

god dammit momentum now the page is going to be depressed
the rest of our fastest things ever can speed us to page 5

page is now faty.

god dammit momentum now the page is going to be depressed
i dint kno! im sry!! :((((((((((((((((

I lost 37 brain cells.

I know some of these people.

Here's mine, guys.

If you've grown up with it and own every single damn game for gamecube,

it's pretty hard to step away.
also the music is still kick ass

I've played the original Sega Genesis Sonic, I still don't find new Sonic games fun to this day.

op just had a massive update

I made the mistake of searching "Jeff the hedgehog"
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 08:32:24 AM by hankyje »


kill me
at least its drawn well and has a cohesive theme

way to light brown for bob marley though.
also naming him Marley instead of Bob would be better. There would never be a character named bob in Sonic.

I like how I'm actually criticizing it.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 10:11:41 AM by Littledude »