Author Topic: Brick GUI not going away.  (Read 255 times)

So, the brick GUI what is on the bottom of the screen when you build, It just doesn't scroll down.

When there is a certain brick selected, i see the brick's name in the GUI, but when i press the number again, and when the GUI is supposed to scroll down, the brick name vanishes instead, but the GUI stays.

What can I do?

I posted a traced console.log

Update: Pictures

Step 1. Brick selected:

Step 2. Brick not selected:

Step 2. GUI is supposed to slide down but it doesn't, it just stays where it is with only the name removing from the red area.

Go to Options, look at the panel called "Gui Settings" (top right), and make sure that "Hide Brick Box" is enabled.

Go to Options, look at the panel called "Gui Settings" (top right), and make sure that "Hide Brick Box" is enabled.

Thank you! I have no idea how it got off :/

Anyways, lockin'