Author Topic: Duplicator firerelay rotator roken?  (Read 1126 times)

I've noticed the new duplicator can switch the directions of emitters accurately, but when it comes to the event "firerelayNorth" it can't rotate it correctly. It'll make it go west. I then set it to "firerelaySouth" which would correctly rotate to East, but if rotated again would fire the wrong way corresponding to the direction the emitter correctly changed to.

Hao2Fix or has there already been an updated? Its really forgetin' irritating.

Hmmm.... Never seen the *New* duplicator.. Cant say.

I've only ever used the duplicator for terrain features and segments, I've never had complicated sets before.

Honestly I find the new duplicator to be a pile of broken crap. Never works properly, won't even place the ghost right. >:I

Hmmm.... Never seen the *New* duplicator.. Cant say.
See "Duplorcator"

Honestly I find the new duplicator to be a pile of broken crap. Never works properly, won't even place the ghost right. >:I
I haven't experienced this before. The duplorcator has always worked fine for me. This relay thing must have been something that wasn't coded in to the tool.

Also, your title
Quote from: title
Duplicator firerelay rotator roken?

You should change the title to Duplorcator.

It sounds like he reversed it or something, so rotating the duplication clockwise would rotate the FireRelay anti-clockwise. Also, it doesn't even attempt to rotate vectors in events :C

That's why i have both installed.