Author Topic: Do you ever have an idea, but before working on it you have another one?  (Read 1248 times)

And you end up not working on anything because you come up with ideas faster than you put them into reality. And it's hard working on your past ideas because you have others and have lost motivation for that past one?

I was gonna post in another thread, but then I saw this one, and gave up on that other thread.

I think I just need to do work for someone else. It's something that's understood to not be my brainchild, and I may actually accomplish things I'm proud of.

this sucks hard

i have so many things i want to do in source filmmaker but i just can't leave something unfinished unless i'm scrapping it completely

i end up doing nothing at all

sometimes ill be thinking and then all of a sudden ill just start a new hi whats your name

sometimes ill be thinking and then all of a sudden ill just start a new hi whats your name

Well would you look at that. The 14 changed to a 15. Happy late god I love cereal. I got lost in thought again while eating and paced around the house.

i just can't leave something unfinished unless i'm scrapping it completely

This is me with save files in games. I constantly delete my characters and roll new ones.

There are times when I have a continuous stream of brilliant thoughts and I rush to get them down on paper - albeit almost illegibly - before I inevitably forget some of them.

There are times when I have a continuous stream of brilliant thoughts and I rush to get them down on paper - albeit almost illegibly - before I inevitably forget some of them.

I wish Blockland forums had a liking of posts feature so I wouldn't have to post this pointless post here.

I think about something for a while, form it into a good idea, then forget it when i think of another idea :c

Well one thing is for sure, if you need to make money to survive, you'll do just fine sticking with a project even if you have new ideas.