Author Topic: choir kids  (Read 860 times)

The choir kids at my high school are snobby, rude and starfishs to band kids who aren't in choir. They piss me off so much.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 12:41:19 AM by Electrk »

I've seen a few different choirs, I think its just your school.

my high school's choir is all nice kids :o

my high school's choir is all nice kids :o

my school's not as lucky unfortunately :/

yeah it's just your school. our choir kids are nice guys (and girls).

my school's not as lucky unfortunately :/
they even arrange songs for them to sing along with the band. they get along well from what i've heard :s

the choir kids in my school are all socially handicapped

why does choir have to wear damn dresses

The choir at my school is pretty bad. I never understand what they're actually saying. And apparently, they're all starfishs towards the new chorus teacher this year. She was seen crying in her office when someone walked back into the classroom, or something.
the choir kids in my school are all socially handicapped

why does choir have to wear damn dresses

The choir at my school is pretty bad. I never understand what they're actually saying. And apparently, they're all starfishs towards the new chorus teacher this year. She was seen crying in her office when someone walked back into the classroom, or something.

this is the type of stuff that gets me flared up
to where i want to punch something but unfortunately there is nothing to punch

In 6th grade i chose wheel for my electives because i didint know what ones i wanted and i was chosen to do choir.

It was loving horrible, it was first period class so i would come in tired as stuff with wet hair and i have to loving sing so i would just quietly sing and blah blah and it loving sucked.