Author Topic: Remington/Emo Nation - Little cunt that thinks he can troll.  (Read 3172 times)

Main Information

Ya, You probably remember all the times I said hes an irl friend, But really. I'm tired of his loving bullstuff now, He defriended me on skype because I told him to stop DoS'ing like a jackass before he got arrested, But instead he starts acting like a little cunt. Then he decides to go around blockland telling people the password to my server (I quikly changed it) and telling them all about what it is, blah blah.

Then it gets good, He says that him and Tango are good friends and work on destroying my server, and also crashes other peoples servers. HOLY CRAP, LOL. Just no.

Anyway, I'm tired of his stupid self acting like a cunt. He has DoS'd multiple servers and people before, I tried to get him to stop, Instead he pulls this. So ya. Good for him.

Anyways, Heres his Information if anyone cares to report him to Baddy or FBI (Or whoever that gets reported to)

Account & Alts
12/08/12   19:03:03   D   Remington   34212

And he has one alt. This is actually MY ACCOUNTS but he decided to be a cigarette and take the key when he was at my house one day.



Note: Hes Scott.

Just a note.
Anyway. Ya. Here ya go. I mostly found it funny how he said how him and Tango were good partners, Got a good laugh.  Heh.

Also, I know the OP looks like stuff, But I'm too lazy to fix it up right now. Sorz.

He's part of TTT. He's just desperate for attention, ignore him.

He's part of TTT. He's just desperate for attention, ignore him.
Hes not. He names himself part of the "WE32" troll clan stuff.

Emo Nation + Glass: Ex-Bros for life

Hes not. He names himself part of the "WE32" troll clan stuff.
who comes up with these names

Hes not. He names himself part of the "WE32" troll clan stuff.
Wow, he's more desperate for attention than I thought. Anyway, don't feed the DoS kiddies. DoS attacks rarely work and they're likely more to kill the attacker's connection than the server they intend to attack.

who comes up with these names
His stupid self. Anyway. Ya. Hes just a little cunt that thinks DoS'ing is "Trolling" and spammign servers with "WE32" is trolling.

I would never hang out with someone as stupid as Emo Nation.
On the other hand this seems a little too phony.

I would never hang out with someone as stupid as Emo Nation.
On the other hand this seems a little too phony.
I'm done with him, Seriously, I had enough of his bullstuff.

michael rich is rich

banning this guy on sight

Some friend.
This happens about once a month. But I have never actually blocked him like this and told him I'm done with it.

Lol'd at one name in his history

Uh..YouCannotBanMeAhaha- that

He looks really stupid.