Author Topic: Les Misérables  (Read 994 times)

Has anyone read the book and is planning to see the new movie when it comes out?

Because this book is amazing and i just adore the story and the characters are fantastic.

This has to be my favorite book of all time.

Discuss This amazing book and the upcoming musical movie.

[ got my stuff together and fixed the title sorry ]
« Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 11:38:16 PM by VincentTheGuy »

For a second there I thought it was called "Le Miserables" then I realized it was a typo. I hope.

*Les Misérables

Le le le le?

Ergh, my school has the imported fancy books with the English on one side and French on the other. So the title says "Les" or at least i think it did.

*Les Misérables
Thanks hun

My high school is doing this for the spring musical, and my marching band used music from it as our half time music.  Since I'm on auditorium tech crew (lights, sound and other auditorium related things)  I will probably be watching it 20+ times.  I just hope its less annoying than white christmas.

My high school is doing this for the spring musical, and my marching band used music from it as our half time music.  Since I'm on auditorium tech crew (lights, sound and other auditorium related things)  I will probably be watching it 20+ times.  I just hope its less annoying than white christmas.
You'll love it, fellow light crew member, it's fantastic and the music is just wonderful.

Qu'est-ce qu'ils sont misérables?

yes but it's common to say "oui oui"
Not really, saying "oui oui" is to put more emphasis on the statement.