Author Topic: BubbaGum  (Read 46527 times)

you two should go in pms.

and bubbagum/kristin is an attention whore, drama-queen.


Anyway why do you hate bubbagum?
I actually just dislike all of this massive attention craving, It's only making things worse and needs to be stopped.

I actually just dislike all of this massive attention craving, It's only making things worse and needs to be stopped.

But why? She hasn't done much wrong

But why? She hasn't done much wrong
Let me explain, You see the attention craving only contributes to further decay of the foruming enviroment, And now more users are starting to realize it and react, This "Attention Craving" also leads to more disruption and forum problems arising and needs to be handled.

Let me explain, You see the attention craving only contributes to further decay of the foruming enviroment, And now more users are starting to realize it and react, This "Attention Craving" also leads to more disruption and forum problems arising and needs to be handled.

But no one else has a problem with it and bubbagum doesn't really ask for it. It's just people giving it to her.

But no one else has a problem with it and bubbagum doesn't really ask for it. It's just people giving it to her.
Beachbum111111, Don't trick yourself into believing that, Bubbagum has made it very obvious she wants attention, She victimizes herself so they will believe her instead of whats actually happening, They enjoy hiding there actual personality to pretend to be "Nice and kind" to trick them.

Go ahead and try. You've lost all your credibility after making yourself look like a complete handicap. Not that you ever had any. You don't show the slightest bit of intelligence, and you attempt to talk in a manner you pray will make you look professional and clever. You're not, you're far from it. It is so obvious that this obvious proof you speak of, you dont even know where it is. You hope that someday, if you make someone search for you, they'll find something because you're too clueless to find it yourself. Why is it you do this? Took it too far the first time, months ago, had to keep it going to make you look cool and smart instead of an ignorant wuss. Not trying to be offensive, I swear, I could get banned for this, but I've had quite enough. Is it that maybe if you make me look bad and prove your point, you can feel a little better about yourself? Is that it? You too insecure about yourself so you gotta appeal to people that already had a negative opinion of me. Trying to fit in with them, aren't you. Truth is that even the person who made this thread had a slightest clue as to what he was doing. You? Quite the opposite. Spittin out those ignorant phrases "she needs to be stopped" "constant attention craving" "dont give her what she wants". I get it. We all did. You wanna stop me? Try yourself, or maybe gain a little bit of credibility and join up with the rest. But right now, you're far from it. And when you see this, dont give me that "see, she goes against anyone who stops her constant attention craving" crap. I've had enough of this stuff. Grow up and move on, nothing you say will ever change my actions

Ok blocklandian. How do you plea?

Yes, You see by "Losing my credibility" most likely means that because of my statement on the attention craving I should be ignored and that users should believe her, As for the evidence, It's scattered between the drama and offtopic section, There are literally plenty of post's that point to attention craving.