Author Topic: How do you allow players to use their own avatar in a team deathmatch?  (Read 389 times)

I am making a mini-game and have stumbled upon the problem of allowing players to use their own avatar in a TDM. I just want each player's abdonem to be the same as the rest of their teammates, while they use their own avatar for everything else.

I'll assume you're using Slayer, since you didn't specify. You cannot do this easily with how Slayer is currently set up, the closest you can get is forcing all players on the same team to share the same "Shirt". It's under the team options, just look around.

If you're using the Team Deathmatch add-on (by Space Guy), go to the Teams tab and set Uniforms to Off.

The lack of an edit button in this board disgusts me. If you want only the shirts to be the same as of their teammates, set uniforms to Shirt.

the closest you can get is forcing all players on the same team to share the same "Shirt". It's under the team options, just look around.

That's exactly what he wants... OP, set the Uniform drop-down menu to "Shirt".