Author Topic: BPP (Blockland Press Pass) [any internet warning!]  (Read 5198 times)



I still have not decided to fix it up like a real paper. I will probably the next issue or issue 4. So heres the news!

Front page!
BADSPOT'S BIRTHDAY - I will not report on. I was not there and this topic already explains it .

I went to random servers and asked for a quote. These are the following quotes:

Isjix - CAN'T CREATE MINIGAME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!/
Becca - ok
zoneark - I fell so alone...

Server spotlight - Mr. Wallet's server

Mr.Wallet has a freebuild server. This server, I must say, is quite awesome. You can give people props (or whatever you call it there) that let you level up. Every minute, it rewards you if you decided to build, with EXP. Or whatever, I think it was EXP. Anyways, the freebuild has some awesome builds, very not crap builds, I must say. While it is not newspaper like to qrite and then post alot of pictures together, its what I do for now.


Forgot the name

Name Unknown

Everything else

Mis-haps spotlight - DD karts
Bushido decided to make DD kart races. He even modded then in game to fix any problems. This was not effective however, as the DD karts continuously flipped, and flew everywere. Jeeps were not safe either, as rocket launchers soon took the stage of jeep racing.

as you can see, no one actually got past the finnish line unless their jeep was done for. And my competition wasn't so *friendly* as I would hope it to be. Apperantly a bunch of entrepreneur s and insane war verterans.

Bushido stopped being AFK though, and brought the DD karts back. I watched as people scrambled not ot use nitro.

Finnally the air became peasful as everyone stop being stupid and got ready...correctly...

Or somewhat, until everyone but bushi stopped wrenching. I ended up alone. and I had my share of mishaps.

and, I eventually just watched from a flying carpet. And then, I left from pure boredom. Fix those DD karts soon bushi!

Seems we hit a climax. "When's he gonna show us another bad admin?" "Whats REALLY interesting" "When's he going to learn this fails?" "WHY DOESN'T THIS LOOK LIKE A NEWSPAPER!?"

the answers:
Next issue, most likely
Because you cant imagine things.

And so to end with a random picture. I SAW BLOCK HEVAN


as rocket launchers soon took the stage of jeep racing.

You mean "as you sat there and disrupted the starting line process with a rocket launcher?"

Seriously, I'm an admin there on Bushi's server, and it gets quite annoying when people start rocketing everything at the starting line when we are trying to get ready for a race.

I swear. I'm working on the new Blocko karts to be totally un-annoyable. Unless you like, throw teargas at it. Which, it will STILL be un-annoyed. Eat that, 'foos!


Bushi, I love those new karts that you've made.  :cookieMonster:

"Issue 3



*bad pictures*

Needs to look like a newspaper
Needs to talk about the builds, any new maps out, and any new add-ons out!
also anything interesting I.E. "Storeclerk returns to blockland after saying he will never return (15 time)"

I would also like a join, I will try to fix-ish up your first issue if I have to time or anything. (but I can't sdd pictures, just add some information, and make it look better.)

Dont have too. I will get the look on mods and such, im just settling in at the moment ^^

You took pictures of mah box :D

this is a spical report by ciber spy
the blockland world was shocked today to learn of the recent infestation of  gramere national socialists and peopl that are named after a vegtabl that looks like a carrot pickle on the contenent of fourumania
badspot was quoted as saying /well ya see i yall knew bought this the how wold i brain wash you so ya see i had to cover up/


The Blockland Press Pass is officially DONE WITH. I've been kicked, flamed, and banned because of it. Im not going to deal with this stuff (bluntly) because I can't meet the exact expectations of every member of the community.

I thought today was going good when some random server asked if I was going to show their server off in the next issue. But then things went to hell with everyone else.

Im going to reply to a few comments and answer questions real quick.


R: No, because Im trying to get the hang of doing this first.

S: All you do is make fun of servers

R: Obviously you haven't read it. The first thing I put down was saying something GOOD about a server.

S: All you need is subject matter that is INTERESTING

R: Hard to do when always make an issue the day before a big event/release.

S: I remember you, your that spammer! EVERYONE ,THIS GUY IS A SPAMMER NOOB DONT LISTEN TO HIM!

R: Excuse me, I know you dont like my color scheme and you don't like the fact that im not a good builder, but you dont need to label me as a spammer. Spammers make spam, crappy builders make crappy builds. Theres a diffrence between the two, I suggest you learn it before you enter another server.

S: Your newspaper is full of aids, you have aids, you fail *kick/ban = reason: Your a dumbass*

R: You cannot suggest that someone has an illness because of the quality of their builds or other work. I know my newspaper does not look like it should (see above). Also, your reason is one of someone unfit for admin position.

S: (looks above) I know that person, they make the best servers...

R: While they have in the past, an Admin must never resort to kicks and bans for trivial reasons such as that.

Q: Can I be in the newspaper?

A: No, I just decided to end it

Q: I wanted to join, why did you not say anything?

A: I did, I said to PM me if you wanted to join in

Q: If your ending this, can I pick it back up?

A: I suggest you do not. Other people have flamed me for simply thinking of the idea.

Q: Hey, don't start having rage quits because of what happened in my server, you noob.

A: This happened in multiple servers. I'm not having a rage quit, I am making sure I'm not banned

S: You suck at building? BANNED!

R: ...a lot of people do. If you ban people for reasons like that, then you will have a lot less people comming to your servers.

S: *bans* I'd rather not have people starting up a flame war over this

R: Rather than banning the person who tried to do something useful and was delt a harsh entrepreneur -smack to the face, try forcing everyone else to calm down.

Q: If everyone bans you, will you host a server of your own?

A: No, because my servers are too laggy. That and all I get is a bunch of noobs.

S: You lag? BANNED!

R: My SERVERS lag. I am quite fine in game unless everyone decides to spam and nothing is done.

Q: Wont you please continue?

A: Sorry, I dont like to see un-happy people. Its my main weakness.

S and R is Statement and reply. Q and A is Question and Answer. PM if you have any QUESTIONS or NON-FLAME STATEMENTS. Any PM flames will be reported.