Author Topic: Cubelands- The frick is with this person?  (Read 4097 times)

I'm pretty sure you all know Cubelands. Odd, foreign, interesting, and most recently, being a messed up weirdo. He has posted topics that just spam off topic, and recently made a thread that just crossed the line. His new topic was trying to show people "Animal procrastination", which i'm pretty sure is bannable. He locked the topic, yet this makes me wonder. Why is a 40 year old posting on the blockland forums and trying to show us videos of people jacking off a horse? "educational purposes". What the heck is wrong with him? His threads just seem like spam to me and are really annoying. He also has started arguments on threads, one special one involving deaf people. Can this guy just "get off"icwatudidthar of the forums yet?

this probably doesnt actually matter but

I'm pretty sure you all know Cubelands. Odd, foreign, interesting, and most recently, being a messed up weirdo. He has posted topics that just spam off topic, and recently made a thread that just crossed the line. His new topic was trying to show people "Animal procrastination", which i'm pretty sure is bannable. He locked the topic, yet this makes me wonder. Why is a 40 year old posting on the blockland forums and trying to show us videos of people jacking off a horse? "educational purposes". What the heck is wrong with him? His threads just seem like spam to me and are really annoying. He also has started arguments on threads, one special one involving deaf people. Can this guy just "get off"icwatudidthar of the forums yet?
Why are you saying heck? This isn't 2nd grade, you can swear all you want.

Why are you saying heck? This isn't 2nd grade, you can swear all you want.


Pretty messed up.

Cubelands is pretty cool but his threads have been weird lately.

idk, i just didnt feel like it, plus when i type i go into "omgofficial" mode.

iirc cubelands is autistic/deaf and that makes up for some of his strangeness no offense
the other half is just cubelands being cubelands

Cubelands is my favorite poster on here. Every post leads to hilarity

uh, he probably has a mental disorder or something. Way to be understanding

uh, he probably has a mental disorder or something. Way to be understanding
iirc cubelands is autistic/deaf

this probably doesnt actually matter but
Why are you saying heck? This isn't 2nd grade, you can swear all you want.
it's legal to not do so

Furling's topics are the only reason I don't kill myself when I wake up in the morning.

he's deaf and is 39

Which doesnt excuse any of his strange behavior.

Being Deaf =/= being Mentally disabled

Furling's topics are the only reason I don't kill myself when I wake up in the morning.