Author Topic: Is it worth it to restore my old Dell Dimension 3000?  (Read 828 times)

Well, I've had a lot of cherished memories with that computer and I've been thinking of restoring it (functioning good). And you should know that with Dell products can only work with Dell products, and they're expensive as forget.

My sister downloaded a bunch of horsestuff on it, giving it a bunch of spyware and viruses (like frostwire and limewire, which are complete shams). Because of that, I probably need to buy a new mobo, processor, and memory (and possibly a new HDD).

tl;dr: is it worth it? if so could you link me to some dell mobos, processors, and memory to get it back in proper shape again?
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 10:28:51 PM by Elecro »

no, definitely not

waste of time, money and effort. if it was a vintage computer i'd understand, but it's not even that

why do you need a new motherboard, processor, and ram because you have a virus

why do you need a new motherboard, processor, and ram because you have a virus
He probably never seen the inside of a computer before nor knows how virus's even work. Pft.

Just do a clean install of Windows on it.

I have my old 3000 and I can host a server with 28 people on it.

Frostwire and Limewire both aren't scams. While they had their day, there are better and more popular ways of getting the type of content that was hosted on their networks. There is no reason why you can't reinstall Windows; you very very rarely (eg never) need to replace hardware if you get viruses. Just buy a new computer, your current one looks like it loving sucks.

why do you need a new motherboard, processor, and ram because you have a virus

not A virus, tons of viruses. I told her time and time again not to trust limewire and stuff, but she doesn't listen. It's gotten to the point where tons of scareware pop up and I have like 13 disk drives.

Just do a clean install of Windows on it.

Doing this will wipe the viruses (and everything else) away.

but you don't need a new motherboard, processor and ram cards, just re install windows :l

honestly i think restoring it is a bit beyond you anyway

save your money

not A virus, tons of viruses. I told her time and time again not to trust limewire and stuff, but she doesn't listen. It's gotten to the point where tons of scareware pop up and I have like 13 disk drives.
So loving what. Most, if not all, viruses effect software. Not the hardware. You are just dumb.

I'm not exactly sure how to reinstall an operating system, I've never had to do it before.

Also, its Windows XP, and I can't put Win 7 into it.

I'm not exactly sure how to reinstall an operating system, I've never had to do it before.

Also, its Windows XP, and I can't put Win 7 into it.
Yes you can, just boot from CD and do a clean install, re install you're hardware and drivers and stuff, good to go.

So loving what. Most, if not all, viruses effect software. Not the hardware. You are just dumb.

I've spent a few hours trying to get rid of it, but no luck. I've contacted Dell support and they told me to send it in, which I did, they said they couldn't get rid of it.

Also, I like the old Win XP feel.

Also, I won't buy the parts now.