Author Topic: Brian Smith's Terrain Generator v4  (Read 9991 times)

stuff's coming (ignore the FPS im still working on the stuffty array forget) and I was taking a picture which is blegh

perlin noise, stop using pygame

perlin noise, stop using pygame
I only use pygame for the FPS counter and the spectator object.

I only use pygame for the FPS counter and the spectator object.

look at the program icon
that's the pygame logo

look at the program icon
that's the pygame logo
   def __init__(self,player,w,h,fov):
      self.player = player
      pygame.display.set_mode((w,h), pygame.OPENGL | \
      aspect = w/h
      gluPerspective(fov, aspect, 0.001, 100000.0);
      self.player.parent = self
      self.tree = block.BlockList(50000)
      self.program = compileProgram(compileShader(VERT_SHADER,GL_VERTEX_SHADER),compileShader(FRAG_SHADER,GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER))

i dont know how to do button stuff with just pyopengl.

you know pygame was last updated 3 years ago right

something happened

you know pygame was last updated 3 years ago right

something happened
i'm removing all pygame stuff.
It's rendering (i think)
now i just need it to let me move around
i think im going to get better FPS with only PyOpenGL

stuff's coming (ignore the FPS im still working on the stuffty array forget) and I was taking a picture which is blegh
Are yoo trying to make something
A new game

Are yoo trying to make something
A new game
I think he's just visualizing his generation.

stuff's coming (ignore the FPS im still working on the stuffty array forget) and I was taking a picture which is blegh

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