
Poll • Military Weapons

Keep the military weapons to intensify and create chaotic combat.
Cut down on military weapons to keep realism and make finding guns very serious.

Author Topic: DayB • 1/14/14  (Read 100956 times)

Heavily inspired by a popular mod and then recreated into the wonderful game of Blockland. I'd like to introduce you to Day Blockland; short for DayB.

The most important part of the entire gamemode itself.

A completely dedicated weapon pack created specifically for this gamemode. They are high damaged and go specifically for realism. They also feature iron sights for precision and a better feel to taking shots- especially sniper rifles.

There will be about six different types of weapons. The weapon categories go pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, assault rifles, light machine guns, and sniper rifles. These go in caliber wise too, varying in small pistols rounds to large armor piercing bullets.

Hunger and Thirst
Fairly self explanatory, a player must go through every house, grocery store, hotel, hospital and barracks just to get a little bit of chow. Clearly a player won't find an ordinary can of food in a barracks, but most likely in a household or a grocery store.

Not only will the player be starving, but the player be dehydrated as well. Just like hunger, the players got to look everywhere just to get a drink. It could be water or it could be soda, but remember too- it could be the players last drink!

Blood and Death
A players excitement of brutally murdering blockheads and ravaging towns is the point where the player gets shot. From there on, it becomes a hassle if the player is not prepared. The player will bleed until death if the player does not bandage, if the players blood is low, the player will need some sort of way to regain blood.

Now, lets say a blockhead has died, he respawns back on the shore just like he started. This means you will have nothing from your old character, that is if you can manage to come back and get your stuff.

Temperature is also a somewhat small key factor, player will get cold of traveling outside too long or swimming. The player will get very cold and eventually get very sick. To cure your sickness the player must attempt the use of antibiotics.

To obtain heat, a player could remain indoors, use a heatpack, or get wood and create a fire. A couple things to avoid are being outside often and swimming, as those two will make the player coldest the fastest.

Sight and Sound
The most important thing next to hunger and thirst; sight and sound! You'll have to be quiet and hidden in order to avoid being seen or heard by zombies, even a couple fast paces on concrete can alert a large amount of zombies.

The last thing a player would want to do is fire off his rifle in a city ...

To make matters worse then they are, there are zombies too. These block hungry fiends will do anything just to get a little but of your plastic flesh.

What does it look like?

The beautiful cityscape of Blockland, now crawling with plastic thirsty zombies and crazy bandits:

The server itself and it's main priorities.

They're simple, follow them and you'll be fine- don't and you'll be permanently banned, and no you won't be unbanned, all bans are cleared by me. You can complain or PM me if you really need to be unbanned. Don't be stupid on here either, or you'll be blacklisted then banned right after.

  • Respect and listen to admins at all times, they are always right.
  • Dont come on the topic and complain about how how you were shot by another player, but you can report bugs.
  • If you glitch or cheat or do any sort of exploiting you will be banned swiftly and we'll make sure you never come back.
  • Don't ask for admin, admins are hand picked.

Follow the rules and everyone will be happy- don't and we will have some issues as I brought up before.

People who are known to be foolish or ignorant will be thrown on here as well as individuals who behave inappropriately towards the server on the topic.

We don't want any questions on the topic, all questions should be asked through private message.

Currently nobody right now! We prefer clean, good people!

The top guns, the tippy top of the mountain, the admins. Admins are expected to be helpful and informational, they should never cheat or abuse- please report this right away. There should not be issues either, our admins are hand picked and moderation is not a big problem.

Admins are also not shown due to privacy and to let players know they are always being watched ...

Server changes, topic changes, news regarding bans or events.

  • 8/??/12 - Build and project started, code started.
  • ??/??/12 - Project put on halt due to player related issues.
  • 1/12/13 - Project brought back to life, topic created.
  • 1/14/13 - Topic is posted, hurrah!
  • 1/15/13 - Testers chosen and posted, testing is yet to be announced.
  • 6/3/13 - After many misconceptions and failures to find a coder, we have fallen back to the people of the forum. If you are interested in coding for DayB please message me through the forums. If so, expect much work and no fooling around- we want things done around here. Expect a possible pay as well, depending how well you work.
  • 6/22/13 - Coding issue has been resolved, topic has been edited, news has been clipped majorly and admins have changed and been removed.
  • 7/3/13 - All smooth sailing, support us on the RTB competition topic!
  • 7/13/13 - Going to Poland for two weeks on July 15th, will be back on the 28th of July. Shappeh and poo will be in charge.
  • 7/28/13 - I am home!! Nothing new, things are kept secret for now! I also really wanted to say that I really love you guys for posting on here and keeping this alive- it means alot to me.
  • 7/29/13 - Did various testing with Shappeh, all is functioning very well. I added a new poll since the last one was very old. Vote away!
  • 8/11/13 - Late night update, leaving today at 9am for about five days, meanwhile Shappeh and poo are in charge. A temporary todo list will be posted on page 42, see y'all soon!
  • 8/16/13 - I am back at home once again, simple topic update- no further information at the moment.
  • 8/17/13 - Quick update, just added a logo on the op thanks to Manty! Much love to Manty!!
  • 8/25/13 - DayB is at a halt because our modeler Rusty, has not finished the models. Rusty where are you ...
  • 8/26/13 - Since we're around a year of progress, I thought it'd be pretty cool to host a DayZ party, I'll post information on pg. 46. As for DayB itself, the modeling problem has been resolved.
  • 8/31/13 - The party will be hosted today at 7PM CDT, please hop to pg. 47 for details. Please message me as well!
  • 9/7/13 - Donation was added, please donate to help us out and to keep up a server!
  • 9/12/13 - So we're thinking of doing development videos, if you guys ask us enough questions we'll put out updates on what we're doing and we'll answer your questions.
  • 10/8/13 - Lot's of stuff done over the accumulated time, Rusty has been inactive and he doesn't really reply to my messages/requests. If you think you're capable of modeling me things, I will pay you.
  • 10/20/13 - Rusty's back, I'd also like to welcome Phydeoux, he'll be doing things apart from guns.
  • 10/25/13 - Phydeoux is doing us some excellent model work, check it out on pg. 54!
  • 10/27/13 - Discussing whether or not we should make a new map. Vote away!
  • 10/28/13 - We're happy to announce the Halloween raffle, out of a selected amount of individuals, two will win premium to the server! Information will be found near the bottom of page 57.
  • 11/2/13 - This is the last day to enter the raffle, if you enter on Sunday, it will not count! Join quick!!
  • 11/3/13 - Raffle is over, contestants will be chosen later today.
  • 11/4/13 - Winners have been chosen, congratulate EnderCreeper, Minnax, Doge and Crimson!! Congrats!
  • 11/30/13 - After a long break, we have decided to recontinue DayB. With that, we will be also introducing clothing. Poll also has been added to replace the old one.
  • 12/6/13 - Since we're trying to make DayB the best experience possible we're making a custom playertype just for DayB. You don't have to download any GUIs for the inventory either.
  • 12/22/13 - Inventory done, lots of future plans! Happy birthday to me!!
  • 12/24/13 - Lots and lots of map progress done, special thanks to Dog and expect solid work for the next two upcoming weeks. Animations are on halt for anyone who was wondering.
  • 12/26/13 - Huge original post overhaul! Build work and code still in progress.
  • 12/29/13 - Progress is going great! We are getting a lot done and plan on doing a little surprise for the New Years. I don't know if some of you have been stalking me or not but I have a channel up and running ready for DayB. Phydeoux is also hooking us up with some really sweet models- keep those donations coming too!
  • 1/7/14 - Happy New Years!! Progress is unfortunately deep in the stuffter and we're pretty busy. I will try to see what we can do but it's hard to keep up.
  • 1/14/14 - Due to lack of time, content and hope we're putting this project on hold for a unspecified amount of time. The time is unknown and there may not even be a time, rather it may be canceled entirely. Locked as of now.

Things that are less related to the server go here.

Selected individuals have been chosen for testing, do not ask for testing. There are two ways, one is through personal choice and another is through an option explained later on.

These testers will be testing various things when I need them to, but there will be open testing as well for all the other players who did not make it in time.

Currently the testers are chosen individuals and certain premiums.

There is no testing date, it will be posted under this section when there is.

To all the people who have helped us or contributed in one way or another.

  • Shappeh
  • Manty
  • Skelesys
  • Rusty
  • Khain
  • Lugnut
  • Monkeyboy
  • Phydeoux
  • Derroith
  • Sylvanor
  • Anti-block
  • Dog

If I missed you, please tell me! I don't want to leave anyone out.

We play, we build, we have fun! A little reward would be nice, wouldn't it?

  • $5 USD or more will get you custom player clothing and a highlighted "donator" name.
  • $10 USD or more will get you the custom player clothing, a highlighted "tester" name, and access to any testing.

Donator rewards
A lesser rank of the full premium, still full of glory in many aspects.

  • Start with a special set of clothes every spawn!
  • A tag that shows you're an honorary donator of DayB!

Tester rewards
The top of the line, our favorite members.

  • Start with a special set of clothes every spawn.
  • A tag that shows you're an honorary donator and tester of DayB!
  • Be permitted to private testing got DayB.

Our premium members
These are all people who are part of the premium program and have paid to gain their seat in DayB or have won in through a giveaway/raffle or have done something outstanding to gain this.

Note: being an administrator does not provide you with premium!

  • Crimson (Raffle)
  • MrCookie ($10 USD)
  • Citrousct ($15 USD)
  • PressMe (Raffle)
  • Doge (Raffle)
  • Nymph ($10 USD)

How to donate
To donate, all you have to do is send more than $5 USD over to our PayPal supplied below. Anything less than $5 USD is still appreciated!

Donate here!
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 05:07:18 PM by Derroith »

nic gun i wondr who modlr it

I like the build a lot
nic gun i wondr who modlr it
ya idk, i think i mad it last yr

I'm not going to supply very many images at this point, but I feel with the little information I have shown and the pictures I have supplied you guys should be able to get an understanding to how nicely done things are.

Small edits, just fixed news.

Sweet, i'm an admin :D
Pm me when your server is up?

large ammo piercing bullets.
What? I think you made a typo. Its Armour / Armor.

Sweet, i'm an admin :D
Pm me when your server is up?
Won't be for a bit, but there will be testing before hand.

What? I think you made a typo. Its Armour / Armor.
Yes, I think I misplaced them, should be "large armor piercing bullets". Thanks, I wrote some of this on a mobile device.

Won't be for a bit, but there will be testing before hand.
Oh, i meant just whenever you're working on it if you need help.

Oh, i meant just whenever you're working on it if you need help.
Definitely soon, I'm fairly busy though, but progress is steady so there's not much to worry about.

Definitely soon, I'm fairly busy though, but progress is steady so there's not much to worry about.