Author Topic: Military Style Face.  (Read 6240 times)

This is my first Face decal for blockland. just simply put it into your Add-Ons folder and *Bwoop* you have a new face!
:EDIT:Fixed error when applying the darn thing. Re-packaged it so it wont turn sideways.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 11:21:49 AM by Anx_3-h »

Woops! wrong place wrong time.... great.

From a side view it look pretty good!

Please, fix the face.

Sorry i'll try and do that now. and by now i mean today.

why did you quote the entire post without snipping images

why did you quote the entire post without snipping images
He's just a young newbie, let it be.

why did you quote the entire post without snipping images
I was in a hurry because i had to go somewhere.

He's just a young newbie, let it be.
If you could give me some feedback about the face decal then that would be great.

Pretty good.

It's still a shame that blockland doesn't allow side-decals though: it would've made this face look a lot nicer.

Pretty good.

It's still a shame that blockland doesn't allow side-decals though: it would've made this face look a lot nicer.
I agree.