Author Topic: How to eat Pianos (And other useful guides)  (Read 11948 times)

You know, lots of people know how to eat a piano. In 1764, George Washington had to gobble down a grand piano. In 2003, Neil Armstrong wanted to show how strong he was by eating 4 pounds of organic beef and eating 3 pianos. Pretty impressive! Unfortunately, since you're on this topic, you probably don't know how to eat pianos. But don't worry, this topic, absolutely not by Renekar, will show you how!

You will need:
• The ability to eat
• Any type of piano
• A mouth
• The ability to eat wood
• Appetite
• Teeth
• Milk

Decide if you are actually going to eat your piano. If your piano is an antique, consider selling it.
Today's value of upright pianos from the years 1860 to 1880 range from $400 to $15,000, depending on the condition of the piano. Today's value of grand pianos from the years 1860 to 1880 range from $1,500 to $40,000. If your piano is in very poor condition and you're too lazy to take it to a professional to fix it, then maybe you should eat it. Your choice.

There are 2 types of main pianos. A grand piano and an upright piano.

A grand piano looks like this:

An upright piano looks like this:

Which one do you have?

If you have a grand piano:

Step 1:
Remember to start with the top! Eating the piano legs first may cause the piano to fall on you, causing everyone to laugh at you while you slowly die.

Step 2:
Remember, eating pianos are a challenge. Don't ragequit when you figure out you can't eat a piano on your first try. Like Isaac Newton said, "Eating a piano requires patience, a big mouth, and apples." Use your mouth to put one part of the piano into your mouth. Then use your eating ability to eat that part of the piano. If you don't know how to use a mouth, please learn how by looking up "How to use a mouth" and "How to eat things" on Google.

Step 3:
Continue repeating step 2 until you get to the keys, the wires (inside the piano), and/or the three pedals.
The keys are made of ivory. No one on the Blockland Forums has actually tasted ivory. Actually, no one in the WORLD has tasted ivory, according to Google search results. You can still eat the keys, but use caution.
The piano wires are made of tempered high-carbon steel, also known as spring steel. If you absolutely want to eat the wires, consider drinking milk before you chew on the wires, as milk strengthens the teeth and will probably not crack your teeth. Probably.
The pedals are foot-operated levers at the base of a piano which change the instrument's sound in various ways. Usually made of a hard material, you again need to drink milk to strengthen your teeth.

Step 4:
When you are done eating, remember to wash your hands and mouth, as the insides of a piano get dusty overtime. If you have any splinters in your mouth, please follow the instructions that follow this sentence.
First, do not touch the area at all. Rinse the affected area(s) with mouthwash after you eat or drink anything other than water. Rinse the area(s) with lots of warm/hot salt water. Do this as often as you would like. Do NOT swallow the salt water. The salt and mouthwash can help infection and the soaking will help wash unreachable things out.

Have fun eating your grand piano!

If you have a upright piano:

Step 1:
You still need to start with the top. Although if you eat the piano legs first you won't be crushed, you might be stupid and eat the bottom first, and if you eat enough, the piano will fall on you and everyone will laugh at you.

Step 2:
The insides of an upright piano are more clumped together, so eating it can be a challenge. Remember, eat slowly and not fast. Eating fast is asking yourself to get splinters in your mouth.

Step 3:
See Step 3 of eating a grand piano.

Step 4:
See Step 4 of eating a grand piano.

Happy piano eating!

EDIT 1/26/2013
How to eat electrical keyboards
Electrical keyboards are more dangerous than a normal keyboard when you eat them. Follow these steps so you don't die.

Step 1:
Unplug everything. I mean everything.

Step 2:
Drink lots of milk. Lots of milk will make your teeth harden than my, so basically your teeth are immune for 30 minutes or less.

Step 3:
Don't eat the wires first! Eat the exterior of the electrical piano first.

Step 4:
If you can't unplug the keyboard and you want to eat the wires, put electrical tape in your mouth so you won't get electrocuted.

Have fun!

If you actually read all of this, stop taking this topic and see your doctor. Side effects of this topic include:
• Vomiting
• Liver failure
• Heart failure
• Self Delete by stab
• Increased appetite
• Amnesia
• Brain Failure
• Anxiety disorders
If you experience any of these side effects, contact your doctor immediately as some people don't know how to use a piano anymore and 69 deaths were reported as of today.

Oh, and be sure not to swallow the salt water.
If you can't take a joke then please get out.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 12:30:35 AM by Renekar »

Im stoned and this still doesnt make sense

Is this some kind of joke?
I seriously can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

Thanks this really helped me out a lot. I could never figure out where to start to eat my grand piano.

I respect this topic because you took the time to make a joke into a proper topic with information and tips

o thx bro u rly heldpeede

I don't have a piano, only a guitar. How do I eat a guitar?

I don't have a piano, only a guitar. How do I eat a guitar?

How to eat a Guitar
By Renekar, for fawkes..

You will need:
• Appetite
• A guitar
• Stuff

Step 1:
Guitars are usually made of wood, and wood is really crunchy when you eat it. inb4pervertjokes Try starting with the wood first.

Step 2:
If you want to eat the strings first, take the strings out of the guitar. That way you can separate the metals from the wood. Such strings are usually made by winding round wire around a round or hex core first. If you want to try eating the strings, drink milk first, then eat the strings. That way, your teeth will strengthen and your teeth will be less prone to cracking. Continue eating until you finished the guitar.

Step 3:
If you have splinters in your mouth, consider looking at
This Topic.

Happy guitar eating!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 12:57:51 AM by Renekar »

this really is one of the best things ever
i'm bookmarking this under "References"

thank you for your contribution to humanity

This helped the economy an me thanks

I work in an organization and I was wondering if it would be alright if I use this guide to help teach poor children living in Africa how to eat a piano.

It'd be great if I could use it and would be glad to have a response at your earliest convenience.

You certainly can.
But does an Africa even have a pianos?

Great, I know they will be thanking you when they enjoy their piano!

Don't worry about that.

Step 5:
Rub some bacon on it