Author Topic: Story Teller  (Read 2234 times)

I figured this should go here...
 Anyways, this is a game where you lay out a part of a big community storyline.

•You make a simple piant image showing a scene or a setting or even an idea
•Then, you make a simple caption, or a few sentances

•If you make an unserious part of the story, dont be too unserious.
•If you invent a character, please note if you want to manage all dialog for that character, and if you want to manage his/hers/its actions. It is wise not to if you dont want to be an active part or if the character should become a main one.
•Keep the story flowing, even if it means " A HAND COMES OUT OF THE HEAVENS TO DO *stuff here*" just to get out of a standstill
•If you do not make an image for your scene, use the one before it unless it is totaly irrelevant. For parts where an image doesnt help at all, dont worry about it(I.E. dialog)

and yes, you can let the next person finish a statement(I.E. he opens the door to find...)

In the surreal clouds of space...

A mysterious object appears...

lol I think you killed the topic. :cookieMonster:

With a hunger.....

For stars, so he eats them all, but than...


The mysterious being FIRED HIS LAZER into an allltttterrrrnnnaaatttteeeee unnnniiiiiiivvvvvveeerrrrrsss sssss, causing...

« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 07:06:04 PM by Bushido »