
Yes or No?

247 (75.8%)
79 (24.2%)

Total Members Voted: 326

Voting closed: March 05, 2013, 07:50:07 PM

Author Topic: Petition to permanently IP ban Glass from the forums  (Read 15319 times)

Eh, I don't think he should be IP banned or whatever. (even though it wouldn't happen anyways) I think some of the forum-goers like hating stuff, or more specifically, people. I mean I honestly don't like him but I don't know he's interesting to keep around I guess. Keeps things from getting boring, or at least keeps the drama section alive.


We need less drama from that attention whoring idiot. Time to bring him down a notch or two.

Just let him keep breaking rules and getting banned.

You want to IP ban someone from the forum when circumventing an IP ban is as easy as resetting your router? GG, you'd make a good admin some day.

Just let him keep breaking rules and getting banned.
This. I voted yes anyway to see the results (Which didnt load anyway) but Badspot is making decent money off of one user, just let him get banned again.

doesnt matter to me. ip forums ban or not, it doesnt really change how i play the actual game and shouldnt change how glass plays it either.

a person is more likely to run out of money, before another person will refuse to accept it.

technically with the ID system on accounts. we no longer have a need for rules.
we pay for the rights to do stuffty things every now and then. its just not unlimited use.

technically with the ID system on accounts. we no longer have a need for rules.
we pay for the rights to do stuffty things every now and then. its just not unlimited use.
True, but it would preferable if there was a way to properly enforce rules.
It's not really fair that rich-boys like Glass can spend all their parent's money on ID's just to repeatedly come back and be a hassle on all the members who do follow the rules.

Sadly there's no other choice, than the IP ban, which is not an alternative at all considering the ease of navigating around an IP ban, or to just let them waste their money.

Atleast Badspot benefits from the income from new accounts though.
And I've seen persistent pests stick around for a year or two, but they generally get bored or leave, or reform eventually. In the meantime it's just a case of ignoring and letting them waste their money.

This man provides the majority of financial income for the game we all know and love and puts food on the table for Badspot who we also all know and love and you want to get him BANNED for GOOD?

If badspot added a default user block thing to the forums I would love it.

If badspot added a default user block thing to the forums I would love it.

You do realize there are addons that do that, right? Right?

True, but it would preferable if there was a way to properly enforce rules.
It's not really fair that rich-boys like Glass can spend all their parent's money on ID's just to repeatedly come back and be a hassle on all the members who do follow the rules.

well since when in history has anything been fair against people with more money? lol
even real life legal systems work in favor of those with more.

You do realize there are addons that do that, right? Right?
Obviously. But it's not default and is not as easy to use as blockers implemented on the site.

IP ban is a bit much, don't you think?