Author Topic: The Hand Games Topic  (Read 856 times)

discuss the hand games that were made for boredom.
aka slaps, shotgun, and rock,paper,scissors

Discuss /now

discuss the hand games that were made for boredom.
aka jacking off, jerking off, fapping, groping, etc

Discuss /now


does flipping a knife in hand count

Little bunny foo-foo, hoppin' through the forest, pickin' up the field mice and boppin' them on the head.

More of a nursery rhyme with hand motions, but it was my favorite as a little kid.

does flipping a knife in hand count

i twirl guns as a hobby
well, fake guns of course. i don't think my family even owns a pistol, much less would i ever twirl it. i also twirl pens.

i am the undefeated champion of chopsticks

i know my opponents moves 10 turns in advance

i am the undefeated champion of chopsticks

i know my opponents moves 10 turns in advance
everyone does. it's like a five year's old version of chess, who ever goes first determines how the rest of the game goes.

everyone does. it's like a five year's old version of chess, who ever goes first determines how the rest of the game goes.
yeah well


forget you!