Author Topic: The bots.  (Read 1529 times)

I would LOVE and rpg styled chat where you click on him and it shows a bunch of options at stuff.
Then you have to complete all their tasks
Sir! My daughter is dying! I will need you to go harvest 15 red flowers from the default build Gazebo Garden in order for me to make a healing remedy! When you return I will give you this 4x5 window brick I have been working on my entire life!

how do you make them pathfind?

how do you make them pathfind?
A code to check if there are any obstacles in the way, then process other ways around it. For example, should I jump ontop of this fire? or should I walk around it?
It will make the best choice according to the pref its set on.

Can there be a pref for stupidity.


Can there be a pref for stupidity.

I wish, its all up to badspot, or a very experienced person with simple AI structure.

Can there be a pref for stupidity.


If I remember correctly, you could disable certain idle actions. Not too sure though.