Author Topic: Need advice on a PC build  (Read 1056 times)

My dad wanted me to pick out parts for a fast PC for him to build and I need your guys' opinions on it.

- Case:
- Motherboard:
- GPU: AMD Radeon 6850
- Power Supply:
- CPU:
- 8 gb RAM
- 500 gb hard drive

Not in the mega thread so I can actually get responses.

I threw this together in about 30 minutes so there may be mismatches or something incompatible with the other. Also, price is not a concern. My dad has said himself he can "make it rain".
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 03:50:22 PM by BuildaBox »

If he can "make it rain" then go for a $6000 pc!

Nice motherboard you have there...

Nice motherboard you have there...

i heard it's the best around

go for a $6000 pc if he can MAKE IT DRIZZLE *TRAP MUSIC*

i heard it's the best around
It sure is when his dad can make it rain!

Lmao you guys are so hooked on that.

If you are building a budget PC or trying to save money say so because I am pretty good at selecting budget parts. Right now I set up a rig $397 after tax and shipping (without tax and I live in the 3 or 4 states newegg requires for tax it is $369.) The build does not have Windows or a DVD drive however.

You should also point out if your dad will be gaming or just wants a quick PC to do every day tasks, the $397 build I have has
AMD phenom ii x4 965 (you can downgrade to an AMD Athlon II x4 to save money)
8gb DDR3
ASRock 960GM Motheboard with integrated ATI 3000 Graphics (this isn't to game, it's meant to be a server but will be fine for normal use)
Seagate 1TB (you can downgrade to a 500GB WD)
COUGAR RSB 400w PSU (this PSU unlike other ones that are around 400w has a 4+4ping connector which the mobo needs.
Xigmatek ASGAURD 381 Case (HAS NO FANS, a better case would be an Antec NEW SOLUTION SERIES or NZXT Source 210

So yeah, just a budget build for you if this fits your needs.

gpu is bad
case is terrible looking
cpu is bad

if he can make it rain go 7950, 800D and i5-3570K
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 02:31:45 PM by SiliconCactus »

If it is your dads, will it be used for heavy or light gaming at all?

cpu is bad
a 965 is actually a very good cheap cpu for gamers on a budget

If it is your dads, will it be used for heavy or light gaming at all?
He's not going to use it for gaming, but he wants it to be more powerful than mine... I said yes but on one condition and that is that I get a Radeon 7870 with his parts and I switch my current GPU (6850) for the 7870. I think he said sure.

Read above.

Nice motherboard you have there...
I just realized why you said this. Fixing lol.

Tell me how much you are willing to spend and I could put something together.

If he won't be doing gaming, that motherboards integrated graphics will run everything fine, unless you have the dedicated card as a spare.

The 965 is by far the best budget CPU on the market, The case is probably overkill, but oh well.

Keep in mind your motherboard supports high clock RAM, so I'd suggest getting at least >1800 clock RAM.

The PSU is overkill, but if you have the money, and may ever need to upgrade, keep that.

The HD is what worries me most as I hope you realize it is tiny in relativity to today's normal hard drive size, and make sure it isn't a re-used 4 year old 5200 RPM hard drive either.

Tell me how much you are willing to spend and I could put something together.
He already has a decent build.