Yoshikids and Super Swats zombie swamp

Author Topic: Yoshikids and Super Swats zombie swamp  (Read 6759 times)

nice its not bad i like how you made it look like a rainy day  :cookieMonster:

nice its not bad i like how you made it look like a rainy day :cookieMonster:
we didnt try to do that lol, we just added some effects to spice it up :)

hay swat, i made the server useing this map the other day, only good for about 3 people, and the waters to close, so i took away some death bricks so people wouldnt die fast lol. but people liked the looks, just not the size. if anyone has anymore ideas for a zombie map, please share your ideas and ill make a map and host it on my server.

hay swat, i made the server useing this map the other day, only good for about 3 people, and the waters to close, so i took away some death bricks so people wouldnt die fast lol. but people liked the looks, just not the size. if anyone has anymore ideas for a zombie map, please share your ideas and ill make a map and host it on my server.
ok just one thing thats been bugging me for a while, its not a map its called a build an example of a map is the bedroom

hehe looks great :)

Urban dictionary:
1. Overrated  390 up, 76 down 
 Anything that is given too much credit and hype.

Ford Mustang
Notorious B.I.G.
Vince Carter
Dragonball Z
Halo 3

Double fixed.
Halo 3 lives up to how overrated it is. It IS that good.

Urban dictionary:
1. Overrated  390 up, 76 down 
 Anything that is given too much credit and hype.

Ford Mustang
Notorious B.I.G.
Vince Carter
Dragonball Z
Halo 3 <---LOL LOL LOL I killed your line

Things that can never be Overrated
Chuck Norris

Multi fixed.

Nice Zombie spawn By the way.  :cookieMonster:

ty ty, and i get what your saying swat, but i dont see why it matters really. anyone got any ideas for new zombie BUILDS?

ty ty, and i get what your saying swat, but i dont see why it matters really. anyone got any ideas for new zombie BUILDS?
well some people might get mad at you and say "its not a map!" or something

anyways my server will be up in a second if you wanna come

ok, playing guildwars atm thou, so might be a while

How can you publish a map built with bricks (like a bedroom or kitchen) so that people can enter?

if theres a way, i dont know how, all i can tell you is if you mean you want what someone has built, like this swamp, youd have to come to my server and save the bricks. other wise i have no idea

you post the save file on the forum