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Author Topic: I am new to the BL forums.  (Read 4156 times)

I don't know where this belongs but I am new to the BL forums but not so much to Blockland.I've been on BL since 2011 but bought it on Valentine's day 2013. :) I hope I am welcome here.

Wow so you have just been playing the demo for a long time? I remember the first time I tried the BL demo I liked how there were terrain and interiors and you could build in it and also the water/rain effects but I didn't really like how building worked (I was playing Roblox at this time). About 2 years later I tried the demo again and I'm like "you know...this could work...I kind of like it" I bought the game and I haven't regret it yet, best $20 I have spent.

Don't bump old topics. Don't mention ponies around Muddy Waters (On RTB, to be exact)

Welcome. New faces are always refreshing.

Hi, don't go to the drama board

Wow so many posts already.

Plus I did the same as Altiris

Wow so you have just been playing the demo for a long time? I remember the first time I tried the BL demo I liked how there were terrain and interiors and you could build in it and also the water/rain effects but I didn't really like how building worked (I was playing Roblox at this time). About 2 years later I tried the demo again and I'm like "you know...this could work...I kind of like it" I bought the game and I haven't regret it yet, best $20 I have spent.

I had the demo since january 2010....


guten tag mein fuhrer

Also you guys welcoming me makes me feel good :)  :cookie: for you guys

Hello, welcome to the forums!