Author Topic: Crashing on Creation of Server  (Read 457 times)

I'm not kidding, if anyone tells me to get rid of my "crap add-ons" I'm going to loving murder you. I only use add-ons knowing their risk.

Now that I got that outa my way, every time I start a server, lan or online, my game starts to load, but then it randomly crashes while loading my add-ons. I'm asking for someone who knows what to look for, to look through my console.log to see if I have too many datablocks/add-ons/etc or whatever.

heres my log:

does your server start up fine without only default add-ons enabled?
I checked through your console.log and don't see anything wrong

does your server start up fine without only default add-ons enabled?
I checked through your console.log and don't see anything wrong
Ya, with default add-ons it works just fine