
Do you plan on attempting to attend?


Author Topic: Blockoworld 2013 - CANCELED ! View OP  (Read 30113 times)

For the record, if you need to contact me, Steam, Skype (teozkr), or e-mail (teo@nullable.se) are your best bets. Or just post in this thread.

If you are unable to contact Munk or Nillable for any reason, you may contact me on Steam, in-game, or on the forums whenever I am available. If you are unable to reach any of us, simply post on the thread.

Thanks for the extension. Everybody can work on theirs now that finals are over. Maybe you should send a message to all the boothholders reminding them.

Thanks for the extension. Everybody can work on theirs now that finals are over. Maybe you should send a message to all the boothholders reminding them.
This was an explicit goal in choosing the new dates; making sure that as many as possible would be at least 2 weeks into their summer breaks by the deadline.

i watched serherg1's video of blockoworld but have never joined, looking forwerd to having tons of fun on this server. cant wait!

Hey Munk, my name is Archimedes, and I'm helping Dillpickle with the Height booth, can you allow me into the server? I'd really appreciate it.

Hey Munk, my name is Archimedes, and I'm helping Dillpickle with the Height booth, can you allow me into the server? I'd really appreciate it.
Yes, you may join. I will grant you access to the server tomorrow. Disregard that sentence. Munk has already granted you and a minor amount of [H]eight members access to the server without my knowing.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 11:36:26 PM by KelBlock »

When will the ad spots be ready?

When will the ad spots be ready?

As soon as our new builder puts them in. (shouldn't be long)

Also I should mention I will not be here thursday through friday this week. If you need assistance, ask Nullable or Kel'Block!

Is there any more time to sign the form?
I didn't have time when this was first announced...
Can I at least reserve a spot?

-Daniel Cramer

Is there any more time to sign the form?
I didn't have time when this was first announced...
Can I at least reserve a spot?

-Daniel Cramer
Hate to break it down for you, but it's too late to submit an application for a booth.
May 10th - Final Signup Day

« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 06:28:50 AM by DontCare4Free »

Just restarted the server.
Changed the colorset to trueno's.
Added any add-ons that were pm'ed to me onto it.

i guess ill have to install blockland again once this happens :D