Author Topic: Compile Your own Elite TDM Team!  (Read 558 times)

For those of you who frequently go to TDMs or know of some players who are very good at TDMs, develop your own all-star team!

Make your team somewhere between 5-10 players. You can simply list them, or be very specific and place each team member in certain positions.
Ex: "(player's name) manning the tank."

Here's mine:

Kalphiter manning the tank cannon
Racerboy driving the tank
Lalam in a plane
Skill4life defending points
Heedicalking defending points
Wink on the ground offensive
Jorgur on the ground offensive.

ephi would be manning a bigger, better tank cannon on the other team and kalph would blow himself up

Setro piloting a helicopter
Badspot scouting a base
Rotondo manning a tank
Wedge driving a jeep
Pablo guarding the  base
Bubbler spying on an enemy base

wehrmacht mario. thats all the team i need.

Kalph wouldn't need a driver.

He can just rapidly switch seats from driver to gunner, shoot, and switch back to driver and be on his merry way

Either that or he'd fly around in a plane running over everyone

xalos with a rocket launcher
everyone is dead

in all seriousness me and rediac in apache's would forget errybody up because we are the most badass pilots in that thing for some reason

Blockhead43999 with an ion cannon is enough for me


The Big Bad Jellyfish defending point A.
The Big Bad Jellyfish defending point B.
The Big Bad Jellyfish defending point C.
The Big Bad Jellyfish attacking Enemy Base A.
The Big Bad Jellyfish attacking Enemy Base B.
The Big Bad Jellyfish attacking Enemy Base C.
The Big Bad Jellyfish flying a plane.
The Big Bad Jellyfish driving a tank.
The Big Bad Jellyfish manning the tank cannon.
The Big Bad Jellyfish driving a jeep.
The Big Bad Jellyfish building the defence.

I'm a one man team.