Author Topic: Corruption Thread V2!  (Read 949 times)

This is the Corruption thread, This is the remake of my last thread that died last year in 2012 august.
This time, It still uses Notepad++, But it includes a little more instruction.
Delete only the smallest bits of data, Not too much or the ENTIRE image is ruined, You can also move pieces of data to another spot.
You can also put random letters into random areas, Do this too much or it it'll be broken.

Let the picture nightmare, BEGIN!

I remember the other two topics..
Especially the one with the slenderman and it completely forgeted up the page

he means to edit an image in notepad and post it afterwards i think

all the dots are
ff95 0000 2000 4944 4154 fe16 54c3 f24b

Upload Failed! Invalid format (jpg|bmp|gif|pcx|png|psd|tif)

am i doing it wrong, it's in png

I remember the other two topics..
Especially the one with the slenderman and it completely forgeted up the page
There was one, The one I created, Then some other moron decided to make a v2 out of an non-dead thread.
This one is the recreation of the one that died that was made by me and it WAS the one with Slendy.

you mean this slenderman?!!?!?!?

i think its not broke anymore
(since i made it)

you mean this slenderman?!!?!?!?
[IMG ][/img]
i think its not broke anymore
(since i made it)
no, this one (god i hope it doesn't break the page..)

I can't seem to open them after editing, I get a message saying it can't be opened.
I'm only adding one letter and it still happens.

no, this one (god i hope it doesn't break the page..)
[im g][/img]
its the same image
the colors changed for some reason though
atleast im pretty sure its the same image
like, it looks different but i stole it from my other computer

how do i do this
i am sad now

every time i try it just becomes corrupted

i use sublime text

you know when you've messed up because it'll tell you something about switching to unicode