Author Topic: glitched welcome message?  (Read 996 times)

hi. i have a problem that occurs whenever i host a server. it's nothing terrible, just inconvenient.
so, a long time ago i was messing with vehicle control events, when i crashed. the problem is, the welcome message is now glitched whenever i start a server saying
"welcome to blockland %1, i'm currently making an assassin's creed build. AFK!"
the problem is, when people see that, they instantly leave. this is also really annoying having to do this every time i start a server.

so, what do i do?

Is this a dedicated server? If so, you need to shut it down by typing quit(); in console.

Also, please read this topic:

Enter the following into the console:

$Pref::Server::WelcomeMessage = "Welcome to my server.";

Try using quit(); right after that just to test saving it once.

If quit(); doesn't export the preferences properly, you can go in and manually edit the config file at:


Just open that with a text editor and... do stuff.

Or, I think you can manually export the prefs file. >.O  It's something like:

export("$Pref::*", "config/server/prefs.cs");
or maybe
export("$Pref::Server::*", "config/server/prefs.cs");

The * is a wildcard.  Also source.

Actually if you're going to do that I suggest testing it first with something like:
export("$Pref::Server*", "preftest.cs");
To see if it saved all of the settings correctly.

okay, nvm, just some mod conflict(?), locking topic now.