Author Topic: A@A IS NOW DEAD READ ALL A@A's  (Read 2173 times)

I am now shutting down alliance army i am handing it over to no one because i am the one who started it and i am the one who is ending it anyone who still wears A@A tags or says there leader there eaither axis and allies or a poser i dont want to have a clan anymore its annoying and people keep giving me crap for it chances are it wont start again and if it did it wouldnt be anytime soon also this is official from now on i will were no tags to verify that im A@A and i probably will go solo on blockland in other words i will not join a clan for a long time maybe not ever again so farewell A@A it was fun while it lasted so please take off your tags and find a new clan


You made another thread about 7 mins ago..... use that one....

Holy crap, that is one hell of a run-on sentence.



*Scans the first post*

Nope! Not a single period!


Holy crap, that is one hell of a run-on sentence.
Technically it didn't end until you said "sentence."

Nope! Not a single period!
Not even one single comma!

Goodbye clan I did not even know existed!

GRAMMAR national socialistS BE APPEASED!!!

Well, technically we are punctuation national socialists.