Author Topic: When we could not join Servers  (Read 713 times)

Do you remember when we could not join servers Because of the master server... But before all that if we clicked a server and then clicked Information, It looked like this

^This had 4 players on it was not empty

Well i have noticed that when you click Information now it look's like this

But i don't know if this is just my Blockland, But i thought i would just tell you
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 09:35:54 AM by Daniel S. »

its called rtb 4.01...

its called rtb 4.01...
^if this thread is just remembering it, then it is not really needed but if it is only happening to you then it goes in help

This is all added by RTB.
If you don't have RTB or the server doesn't, this will say No Information or something similar.

This is all added by RTB.
If you don't have RTB or the server doesn't, this will say No Information or something similar.
Or if you're banned, it shows nothing at all :cookieMonster: