Author Topic: URHB United Render Hunters of Blockland  (Read 1434 times)

URHB is a clan created by Steel Dragon2000 and Crozzam they both hope this clan will become very popular

Before you can join you need to pass a test on Steel Dragon2000's server

You need to be brave cause you will be all along with the 2 admins watching you
If can scream or anything you fail.       if you see a renderman look behind you or look at a wall

More rules on the server        See you there!

Members:Steel Dragon2000 , Crozzam
« Last Edit: May 19, 2013, 05:52:16 AM by Steel Dragon2000 »

I Hope this gets Popular Also our Aim is to Prove Renderman is out there So we try to get screen shots with and without mods.Oh BTW When the render detector says ''Slight glitch energy Detected'' Look at a wall it means hes coming and when it says the Gltich Energy is gone you may resume.

I don't understand...
Also, try to be more organized And have a better application system. Also you won't be able to hear them scream.
Tl-dr? Revise, organize and reformat

Gl tho. If you want I might be able to whip up a banner

I think you need to wait a little bit before making clans...

Sorry to break it out to you, but render man is not real without mods. Sorry about that, hope you're not too dejected

Well thx anyway but we'll do our best  :-(