Author Topic: Pick-Up Power-Ups - Core v2, Double Score, Rebound, Shock Absorber  (Read 15472 times)

This is cool looking.

add a short invisibility powerup

 Aw I was really hoping these were for speedkarts

Still cool though

Something to restore energy too, for people who have playertypes that use it.

How about a powerup that temporarily gives jets to anyone with a no jet playertype?

Great stuff, by the way.

Aw I was really hoping these were for speedkarts

Still cool though
im pretty sure these work with the bot karts.

Increased Damage Power up, now

Increased Damage Power up, now
2x Damage Dealer?

also, add temp. invincibility and downsize (shrink the player)

Were pretty handy on electrk's server
idk about shields tho they kind of felt like they did nothing

Could you possibly make the shields stack or add an option to make them stack?

Were pretty handy on electrk's server
idk about shields tho they kind of felt like they did nothing
Some types of weapons probably bypass it because they use their own damage scripts. Not much you can do about this.

Well MLD and I found a way to make one player kill another via falling damage.
We saw
Alphadin VGuyhereV Masterlegodude.
Worth it.

yes goomba stomping is a thing if you're falling enough to take damage.

Can the goombastomps also act as cushions and weak trampolines?

Can the goombastomps also act as cushions and weak trampolines?
they're on on Rebound and Shock Absorber.

there should be a powerup that causes you to take less damage, and another that causes you to do more damage to other players

i'm thinking something like Defense Spray and Sudden Guts Pills