Author Topic: Vignette Health  (Read 5369 times)

Vignette Health
Version 1

This mod displays your health using a red vignette, the more damage you have received the more red there will be around the edges of your screen

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1 kb
« Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 05:03:39 PM by Swollow »

Does it properly blend with the environment vignette?

Does it properly blend with the environment vignette?
no, I don't know how to do that

no, I don't know how to do that

Research alpha/color blending. Maybe look at Wikipedia.

The size should depend on how much health you have left and the color should change depending on how much damage you received.

The size should depend on how much health you have left and the color should change depending on how much damage you received.
the size thing is already there, I indented it to be sort of like a "blood" or "pain" representation which is easily depicted with red, since the alpha amount changes it gets larger the higher the alpha, and more darker the less health you have

You should include an option for vignette multiply, to make the world more red the less health you have.

hey that's a lovey grenade :o

This is a really cool idea!
Shame it doesn't really work if the environment already has a vignette...

Will this work with the Vignette Damage mod?

Will this work with the Vignette Damage mod?
no, that wouldn't make much sense because the vignette damage would be overlapped by the health displayed by your vignette

I think if you're bleeding to death you stop feeling the cold.

I personally like it. I'm not bothered by the fact that it isn't able to blend with other vignettes. I really don't understand why this isn't getting more attention. I care about add-ons like these. Not some stupid useless colorset mod. There's enough of those, and since there's so many they've made, there's really no longer a need for them. Just sayin'. But yeah, this add-on rocks.

didn't Jack Noir already make this?

Edit: nevermind, it was port

I guess this one is difference because it doesn't go away after damage?

Lol I made one too for my server. I guess there's no need to release mine then.