Author Topic: Haven and Hearth - World 7 Has Been Activated  (Read 15289 times)

and i got like 32 clay for them, its not fun walking from my hearth fire to the village :C


new hs so you can actually do stuff but I dont think im going off anyway so yea.

EDIT: I got this genius idea to let an alt collect the auroch hairs. Guess what. THEY GAVE 0 stuffS LIKE AKJHFKJFHKDJF

Oh well. I built that character in a day, and it died in a day. I lost, but not much by my standards. I'll earn it back, but I'm not setting back on rage this time. I'm focusing on upping UA instead of explore and survival.
If all goes well, I can resume upping those when I get 25 ua.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 05:39:41 AM by LegendZ »

Why would you aim to get 25 ua your not going to kill anything besides ants and frogs with that

Why would you aim to get 25 ua your not going to kill anything besides ants and frogs with that

I kill foxes at 20 ua.


Oh yea, let's mourn for this great hero or something.

Character Profile – Azhek

Character created at
2013-06-03 04:07
Last played at
2013-06-04 08:53
Direct ancestor
Learning points collected
1662 (33037 total)
3 days
Strength   11
Agility   10
Intelligence   25
Constitution   10
Perception   10
Charisma   10
Dexterity   14
Psyche   10
Unarmed Combat   6
Melee Combat   1
Marksmanship   1
Exploration   17
Stealth   1
Sewing   1
Smithing   1
Carpentry   1
Cooking   1
Farming   1
Survival   9
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 07:57:12 AM by LegendZ »

Did you make an app?

Okay okay

Timezone - +2
Age - Not sharing
Job of Interest - Unsure
Experience With The Game - Absolutely no experience (Apart from very basic crafting and building)
Availability With Text/Chat On Skype - Nope

Page 4. You've been accepted yo.

Edit: Contacted Polish guys. Adecristo's their leader, willing to trade seeds for seeds.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 10:52:13 AM by LegendZ »

Edit: Contacted Polish guys. Adecristo's their leader, willing to trade seeds for seeds.
Do what you can to get better seeds.

Page 4. You've been accepted yo.
I wasn't accepted, otherwise I would be in the list of people that were accepted in the OP

I don't think I am welcome anymore


new hs so you can actually do stuff but I dont think im going off anyway so yea.

EDIT: I got this genius idea to let an alt collect the auroch hairs. Guess what. THEY GAVE 0 stuffS LIKE AKJHFKJFHKDJF

Oh well. I built that character in a day, and it died in a day. I lost, but not much by my standards. I'll earn it back, but I'm not setting back on rage this time. I'm focusing on upping UA instead of explore and survival.
If all goes well, I can resume upping those when I get 25 ua.

You manage to go and get killed a few minutes after I log off? Ffs lol.

HOLY stuff. 1378 people online. I havent' seen that many people in in ages!
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 02:10:27 PM by iAmburnJ »

Can anyone else access the claim while Ledgenz is offline because I cant.

We have hops cones yo.
3rd cabinet.
Piarre I need your HS so I can set you to red.

Same goes for everyone not yet on my kin list.

Rembrandt, I added you, sorry I missed you before.  Message me over skype when you are ready.

So I built a boat and was walking across a small land patch and found someone, I was nice and offered them some food and gave them my boat.