Author Topic: Wheres that addon that adds a "Servers" button to the escape menu?  (Read 1187 times)

I really want to use it, since I've seen peoples videos and they had a "Servers" button on their escape menu.
Where would I get it?
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 01:37:07 AM by [Maxx] »

don't bump threads after a half hour, be patient

I think it broke after V21 or something, someone can re make it or fix it but no one has done so yet I think.

I think it broke after V21 or something, someone can re make it or fix it but no one has done so yet I think.
it didn't i saw it working in badgers vid

If you want to have 'favorite servers' there is an addon for that.

If you want to have 'favorite servers' there is an addon for that.
you dont get what im talking about
its some green or pink servers button
and lets you see the server list when you click on it

anyone have the .zip for that servers button addon
i found it
mediafire link is broken

Just use this.
I liked the button better, but the link is dead.
Someone here has it.

>title "the the"
Maxx you need to be patient.
Also, Is it so hard to just leave the server to join another server just like any other game?

Also, Is it so hard to just leave the server to join another server just like any other game?
you're at a server, waiting for another server to go up, or at least wondering if it is, you're particularly lazy, and you want a way of checking the server list while remaining at the server you're on

i should know because this happens to me

>title "the the"
Maxx you need to be patient.
Also, Is it so hard to just leave the server to join another server just like any other game?
you're at a server, waiting for another server to go up, or at least wondering if it is, you're particularly lazy, and you want a way of checking the server list while remaining at the server you're on

i should know because this happens to me
i would really like a servers button on the esc menu
theres a addon for it but the link to its broken
aquietbadger has it i think

I'll upload it for you when I get on my computer in 2 or 3 days.