You know that you can use other filenames for the hit sound and the fire sound, right? Could be confusing for people that look in the file and think that you overwrote the default gun's datablock...
A little scripting tip:
You can use other filenames like this in the audio datablock
datablock AudioProfile(HAXShot1Sound)
filename = "./HAAAAX.wav";
description = AudioClose3d;
preload = true;
You can also change the name of the sound by going like this
datablock AudioProfile(HAAAAXfire)
filename = "./HAAAAX.wav";
description = AudioClose3d;
preload = true;
Make sure to change the name of the sound in the states!
stateSound[2] = HAXShot1Sound;
stateSound[2] = HAAAAXfire;
You might want to remove this part
stateSound[0] = HAXShot1Sound;
on the first line
Cause It would scream "HAAAAX" when you take it out. (if this is the desired effect, then sorry)