
Do classic Trench Wars for 2 Weeks? (Old Map, BF3 Weapons, etc). (SCORES/WEAPONS WONT BE CLEARED)

19 (55.9%)
15 (44.1%)

Total Members Voted: 34

Author Topic: Glass Trench Wars [Server Re-Opened, New Map, Horses, etc]  (Read 36896 times)

Oh yeah, Wound is the other guy that I can complain to. You're good with resetting the map when I ask but you're usually not on when people decide to be idiots.

like I said, I will get on more but right now the server is in maintance.

I cannot open because Bushido is a friend. My T+T pref's wont show up so I can't set ammo for all the weapons and Bushido wont help simply because he hates trench wars.

bushido is one of the worst add-on makers i've seen, not the add-ons he makes him self, he won't help someone just because he hates what it will be used for, seriously though, help people that want to use your add-on, you should be happy they are.

bushido is one of the worst add-on makers i've seen, not the add-ons he makes him self, he won't help someone just because he hates what it will be used for, seriously though, help people that want to use your add-on, you should be happy they are.
When I messaged him regarding a bunch of bugs related to Tier+Tac, he refused to respond.
Specifically the issue with "Throwing all your stick grenades before you run out of concs makes it so you can't throw concs"
and the issue with "Max ammo for Magnum and Battle Rifle decrease when you pick up a dead man's ammo drop".

Working on the server now - Should be up within a day depending how everything goes.

Anyone that wants to join for beta testing can post now and I will give you the password to join.

Beta testing is finished. The server will be up tomorrow. Sneak Peak: Horses.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 01:43:36 AM by Cut Glass »

I will fill out the update section soon, but anyway, server opening now. It's Up.

Damn I forgot to press F5. Oh well.

The new map layout is fine. It's pretty sniper-friendly. (Hehe)

I remember the horses from a way earlier version. They're okay. I can still snipe people off them with relative ease.

I will say that I am disturbed by the fact that the RPG is once again back. I can see a lot of rage and flame in the future.

Overall: not bad.

I managed to get all my items back in like 2-3 hours after the reset.

Snipey-snipe! :3

I made the map flat to encourage digging trenches, building structures, etc. With full terrain I noticed people didn't make as much of these things and many people including myself miss the classic type trench wars. I will have a vote to revert to full terrain in a few days after people have tried the new map.

Personally, I don't like the new maps, the flat landscape encourages snipers and makes it the only weapon of choice. I think instead of going down with the terrain, you should make it go up, so that people have cover.

Personally, I don't like the new maps, the flat landscape encourages snipers and makes it the only weapon of choice. I think instead of going down with the terrain, you should make it go up, so that people have cover.
It's a "Trench Wars" server, you have to make your own cover.
That's the way it should be played.

BTW Glass, here's something for you.

I found someone that is using the floathack and possibly an aimbot on this server.  He kept shooting me constantly and wouldn't leave me alone in the spawn area.
So then I started to watch him a little and then I had found out that he is using the floathack from computermix's hack and possibly the aimbot which is supposedly "glitchy".

after 1:43 you should skip to 2:33

His name is "WeFoundWaldo" and his BLID is 30693

I waited to post this until after the video was finished uploading so this actually happened more than an hour ago.

I should probably have explained my inactivity as of late earlier but I guess I'll do it now. Simply put I have been on holiday and have been spending a few days prior and after to get some stuff sorted out. I should be more active from here on in.

Donald Annoying Orange dear god