
Do classic Trench Wars for 2 Weeks? (Old Map, BF3 Weapons, etc). (SCORES/WEAPONS WONT BE CLEARED)

19 (55.9%)
15 (44.1%)

Total Members Voted: 34

Author Topic: Glass Trench Wars [Server Re-Opened, New Map, Horses, etc]  (Read 36898 times)

It's broken.
I misunderstood the question. Thought he meant he wants to turn it off. Anyway. New Poll.

I never see you either, and ever since the server went back up i've been watching.. and before it went back up.
Caught him in the server, he's dealt with, thanks..
I'm there all the time and I helped glass build his new map...

I'd like to report one of your admins.
Name - Ravencroft
ID - 10130
Reason - Teleporting between (edit: and around) flags (and me), using aimbot and float hack(Edit: I'll take back this one, but he didn't have an excuse for spazzing out when shooting me). Edit: new abuse- invincibility due to teleporting out of spawn.

I didn't catch a picture of him teleporting to me or spazzing out from aimbot, but I think this is enough. He also tried to dig underneath me with speedshovel.

Great, I've been banned because I told Ravencroft that I reported him (or whatever reason he thought was just)
New pictures of his admin abuse.
Notice his score decreasing.
I take back my accusation of hacks, but he is still admin abusing nonetheless. He said he was floating because he crashed.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 03:36:56 AM by matthewbim11 »

First of all, I haven't used that hack in months. I crashed while I was teleing through the air. That's why my client left the game 10 seconds later...

Second, I tele around the map and just stroll around all the time. I don't cause harm to anyone because I don't like TDMs. I'm positive Glass knows this already...

You freaked out and and blamed me for abusing every chance you got and there were only the TWO of us in the server. I don't know what you have against me, but I don't appreciate it.

I'd like to report one of your admins.
Name - Ravencroft
ID - 10130
Reason - Teleporting between (edit: and around) flags (and me), using aimbot and float hack(Edit: I'll take back this one, but he didn't have an excuse for spazzing out when shooting me). Edit: new abuse- invincibility due to teleporting out of spawn.

I didn't catch a picture of him teleporting to me or spazzing out from aimbot, but I think this is enough. He also tried to dig underneath me with speedshovel.

Great, I've been banned because I told Ravencroft that I reported him (or whatever reason he thought was just)
New pictures of his admin abuse.
Notice his score decreasing.
I take back my accusation of hacks, but he is still admin abusing nonetheless. He said he was floating because he crashed.
forget off. I have dealt with you on several accations the first was about a year ago when you acused me of cheating, then you acused other admins of cheating etc etc. all I ever do is see you complain. I honestly have a passionate hate for you at this point.

OH my god this kid's an idiot:

Full chat:

Honestly, how can you justify teleporting to me and taking pot shots? "Oh no the server wasn't heavily populated, it's cool to teleport around, shoot this guy and get the flag!".
« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 03:47:49 AM by matthewbim11 »

What are pot shots? lmao

What are pot shots? lmao
Definition of POTSHOT: a shot taken from ambush or at a random or easy target

Anyway, are you guys seriously going to start this up again? I've done nothing wrong. At this rate you're going to have to make a new topic before this happens again.

All I do is complain? I report rule breaking/abuse because your admin force is lacking. Now you're going to let your admins teleport around because you have a grudge against me? I thought you were supposed to get better admins along with the update. Apparently not.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 03:58:53 AM by matthewbim11 »

Definition of POTSHOT: a shot taken from ambush or at a random or easy target

Anyway, are you guys seriously going to start this up again? I've done nothing wrong. At this rate you're going to have to make a new topic before this happens again.
No I'm just going to ignore you ;)

No I'm just going to ignore you ;)
Very mature.

Input about the new map: It's very flat- a snipers dream. I recommend prebuilt structures or cube terrain like the other map.
Also, horses are invincible, so you could just crouch behind one of them ;).
« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 04:16:20 AM by matthewbim11 »

I honestly don't see a reason why I'm banned. I reported an admin for richarding around, he banned me because I accused him of hacking, which I then revoked the accusation when he said he crashed, causing a short float mid-air, and teleported out of spawn for his invincibility. Glass is apparently fine with him orbing around, yet I am still banned. There is no reason for this hatred, all I have done for your server this past few months is report players to admins with picture proof. Please tell me whatever issues you have with me, Glass.

Quite a list of issues discovered today on the server which is effecting game play. Server will remained locked until I can speak with another Super Admin.

Raven, I don't agree with your ban against Bim, if he thinks you are cheating, let him report you, and if he has evidence, then let us watch it, and if you weren't cheating, you seriously shouldn't have anything to worry about, just let him report you next time.  Banning him for that wasn't the right thing.

Also, Glass, I know you dislike Bim, so I won't unban him, but Raven, don't ban someone because they accuse you, it's simply solved like this "go report me then, provide proof" then tell him to stop accusing you and if he keeps bugging you about it after you warned him to stop, then kick/ban for a few minutes.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 12:53:47 PM by John Constantine »

Raven, I don't agree with your ban against Bim, if he thinks you are cheating, let him report you, and if he has evidence, then let us watch it, and if you weren't cheating, you seriously shouldn't have anything to worry about, just let him report you next time.  Banning him for that wasn't the right thing.
I'm sort of in agreement here; Raven, you might wanna try to be a little less... distracting when online, try to avoid this sort of confusion.

Quite a list of issues discovered today on the server which is effecting game play. Server will remained locked until I can speak with another Super Admin.
Hoo boy...

Raycast rifles are still on my stuff list but you already know that.

Input about the new map: It's very flat- a snipers dream. I recommend prebuilt structures or cube terrain like the other map.
Also, horses are invincible, so you could just crouch behind one of them ;).
The thing is, people don't build cover and tunnels like they used to. I don't know if new guys are dumb enough to lower the average or if everyone involved is getting a little bit dumber but I regularly waltzed into the enemy base using a tunnel that none of them cared to enter. Furthermore I managed to run across the entire field while under sporadic fire from two snipers because I regularly ducked down and constructed 3x1 or 5x1 defensive walls for cover.
As for the horses, there have been some incidents with them. At least some of them aren't invincible; if I recall correctly I was able to murder them with about 60 hits from the pistol, which is so many that the sniper can't kill them, but still. I did manage to kill a sniper hiding behind a horse, though. The top of his hitbox was showing.

Also damn I really wanted to play today.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 01:01:46 PM by King of the Bill »