Author Topic: 2013/06/06 - Blockland Sale - 75% off - June 06 to June 12  (Read 42154 times)

In celebration of the opening of the Amazon Indie Game store Blockland is 75% off!

Main Site


We're also in a bundle here,

Indie Action Pack

Spread the word, tell your friends, tell your enemies!
« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 11:23:47 PM by Rotondo »


Jan 06 to Jan 12

But it's June. :X


But it's June. :X

Welp sales off D:

Edit: fixed the title, thanks.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 11:25:37 PM by Rotondo »

Welp sales off D:

Knew I shouldn't have said anything! D:

« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 11:27:16 PM by ArmyUnit »

People should probably buy from the main site since Badspot gets more of the cut.

Is there any way to see how many have been sold so far to get an idea of what #s the IDs will be at?

Wow, started on my birthday :))

Edit; isn't this like the first update posted by someone other than Badspot?

I would buy alts but it's too much trouble to purchase :s

I posted it on face book and I'd pay the $6.99 to promote it but thats more than the cost of one of these and I kinda wanted to buy a copy but don't have money at the time.
If someone buys me a key I'll promote the post. :D

Edit; isn't this like the first update posted by someone other than Badspot?
No, it is not the first time or the second.

Rotondo is everyone and everything on this forum.

Yeah, I just bought seven more keys.