Author Topic: Baby burned to death by cult  (Read 9586 times)

The Bible says to be nice and to treat others with respect.

It never says "Kill people if you think they are the anti-christ"
and that's your interpretation

do you take the old testament as gods word and follow that too?
« Last Edit: June 08, 2013, 07:12:08 PM by DiceyGrammar »

>baby is born
>it's satan
>burn it

except christianity doesn't approve of murder. but it's satan so don't worry.

except christianity doesn't approve of murder. but it's satan so don't worry.
unless they're a non-believer

and that's your interpretation

do you take the old testament as gods word and follow that too?
You're missing the point that I have given you.

Not every Christian is a murderer. These people are just very crazy.

Well, I knew this was going to start up some christian vs atheist stuff.

You're missing the point that I have given you.

Not every Christian is a murderer. These people are just very crazy.
and you seem to be missing mine. I never said every christian is (my brother is a minister). I acknowledged that the post you originally quoted was stupid.

my point is you can't judge the validity of their interpretation of the bible, because yours is only an interpretation. most christians ignore the old testament, the extremists don't. two different interpretations. there's no "DIVINE STANDARD" whereby you're given the right to call them non christians or "not real" christians.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2013, 07:28:01 PM by DiceyGrammar »

The Bible says to be nice and to treat others with respect.

It never says "Kill people if you think they are the anti-christ"

actually the bible does declare war on the Antichrist. and all Christians are expected to resist him with violence.
who the Antichrist is, would be debatable.

Is it bad that when I read the title I laughed a bit?

I use to be atheist, going around hating people with religion. Some of you remember me from the Plubris E Unum thread. Since then I realized that I had become the thing I that I was fighting. Almost all the religious people and Atheists fight for dominance and argue over who is more just and trying to force their beliefs on people. Many of the conflicts in history weren't about religion, they were about people spreading their ideologies. Christianity, Atheism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam are all ideologies. People have the right to believe in what they want, but they don't have the right to force it on to others. The only goal I have to make people stop fighting by seeing the error of their ways so that everyone can co-exist without conflict. Although go ahead and combat cults like the Branch Davidians, Scientologists, Mormons, Polygamist Separatists, ect. They only seek to control.

I don't consider myself an atheist anymore, just a human being who wants to spread the word of tolerance and peace.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2013, 07:57:10 PM by Harm94 »


woodland critters christmas


Congratulations, it's a healthy baby Satan :)

actually the bible does declare war on the Antichrist. and all Christians are expected to resist him with violence.
who the Antichrist is, would be debatable.
[citation needed]

I haven't clicked the link , but the thread says a cult did this. I'm not Christian, far from it, actually, but cults are full of crazy forgeters that don't exactly represent the ideals of Christianity.
This, also:
got a video if any sick forget wants to watch it. NOT FOR THE WEAK WILLED
That is the most vile thing I've ever seen.