Author Topic: YOU CRINGE YOU LOSE  (Read 2557064 times)


that is way too many eyes

what is ;w;

is that a face

i dont see how it possibly resembles one

what is ;w;

is that a face

i dont see how it possibly resembles one

I think the two upper dots are eyes and the W is the mouth
and I guess the lower two marks/commas are blushing or something idk

and I guess the lower two marks/commas are blushing or something idk
i look at it as tears like ;~; but maybe it could be blushing too idk either

i look at it as tears like ;~; but maybe it could be blushing too idk either

Yeah I usually interpret it as tears but in the context of the image, seemed like it was meant to be blushing.
But then I don't know why they didn't just have a comma then semicolon or something instead of creating a four-eyed thing

I am way over-brown townyzing this help

it can be i suppose but think of it as like a more exaggerated version of this kinda mouth o﹏o
« Last Edit: November 17, 2017, 04:40:00 AM by gr8dayseth »

damn kimon's channel looks ugly af

very ironic when you think about it! 😉😉