Author Topic: All my cats were just eaten by a neighbor's dog...  (Read 8422 times)

in all seriousness you should kill it

if another animal killed or even attacked my dog i'd kill the stuff out of it

why did you have your cats in a place where a dog could get them?
i don't think you should kill the dog since they are overall better than cats

an eye for twelve eyes, on the other hand, is perfectly fair
fair enough

even though youre missing the point
« Last Edit: June 09, 2013, 11:22:11 PM by tikitai »

an eye for twelve eyes, on the other hand, is perfectly fair
Just this

dumbass cats
"dumbass women getting raped all the time"

i don't think you should kill the dog since they are overall better than cats
do you enjoy being a richard

"dumbass women getting raped all the time"
Seriously how does a dog catch 12 loving cats and them not do anything about it

Must be feral or poorly tamed if it attacked everything.

an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind
No, an eye for an eye leaves two people half-blind.

Call the damn pound, get that Helldog out of here and have it put down.

Do it.

For the loving.


I'd get the dog put down.

Seriously how does a dog catch 12 loving cats and them not do anything about it
if the cats have nowhere to hide, easily. I'm not sure what breed it was, but a rottweiler, for example, wouldn't back off from a couple of scratches (and that's assuming they hadn't had their claws trimmed). some of them were kittens, as well
Must be feral or poorly tamed if it attacked everything.
most definitely
my dad's neighbor keeps some dogs in cages all the time
never does anything with them but feeds them and occasionally cleans up
one of them killed our chihuahua as soon as she found a way into the cage after she got loose one day

Killing the dog will just get the OP in trouble by the neighbor and/or police.

Call the pound about the situation instead.

Mean dogs suck, especially the big ones