Author Topic: This game right here; Insaniquarium...  (Read 1293 times)

Beginning of the level:

In the middle of the level:

And that is level 5. Takes about 20 minutes to get there.
This game is insane, and I have no idea how little me was able to win at this game many years ago.

Wrong section? Anyway: used to love this game

Wrong section? Anyway: used to love this game

Oh stuff! I thought I posted this in the gaming section. :L

I used to play this game all the loving time.

I used to play the stuff out of this game years ago

yeaaaaaa this game is the stuff
is there a place to play free online

fun game, had a retail copy from a long time ago, beat all of it in one sitting .. it took a while.

bad song!

Sorry, I usually don't realize I'm playing music while playing games; I wasn't planning on recording either. ;P

So yeah, there is some Coldplay in there; I know a lot of people don't like Coldplay, but I do, so yeah. x.x

never played it, tell me what you do